The one were he is standing in front of a Christmas tree with one arm in the air and clenching his fist. I think a peace sign would of been more appropriate then a&... moreThe one were he is standing in front of a Christmas tree with one arm in the air and clenching his fist. I think a peace sign would of been more appropriate then a clenched fist and maybe he should of put on a nice colorful Christmas sweater instead of wearing a dark suit. Cheers and Happy New Year!
Telling the EU bunch to take advantage of Brexit and STEAL trade from us? This is not only sneaky and b*stard like behaviour but they are the words of someone who a) has NO i... moreTelling the EU bunch to take advantage of Brexit and STEAL trade from us? This is not only sneaky and b*stard like behaviour but they are the words of someone who a) has NO idea of how to play discretely and strategically/tactfully and b) who has NO morals.. but when you then put this into context with that this is the same Moron who said to Brits that it was likely that we could fast track a trade deal with America... Lying whatsit or what?? And people still defend him and have the temerity to say that us ordinary folk who think he's a world class pillock with no brain are just not clever enough to understand his "strategy" Sorry my sweets but anyone who still hasn't figured out how utterly incompetant stupid Trump is you are a) deluding yourselves and b) in for a very nasty shock... The poor uneducated, unenlightened plebs who defend Trump seriously need to know that they will be the first ones Trump stabs in the back.. he has no loyalty to those who voted for him.. he has no loyalty whatsoever... less
Hello:Trump tweeted that we should EXPAND our nuclear capability.. I know what the word expand means. So do you.. Yet, his handlers said he didn't mean EXPAND.&nb... moreHello:Trump tweeted that we should EXPAND our nuclear capability.. I know what the word expand means. So do you.. Yet, his handlers said he didn't mean EXPAND. He meant something else. But, the tweet is STILL up there. It hasn't been deleted or modified. The world IS reading it..Just WHO are we to believe??? Are his HANDLERS making US policy, or is Trump??? It IS kinda important, you know..excon
Hello:I'm a left wing Jew.. Consequently, my genes FORCE me to support the UNDERDOG in just about any fight.. In terms of Israel, that was easy.. The Jews WERE th... moreHello:I'm a left wing Jew.. Consequently, my genes FORCE me to support the UNDERDOG in just about any fight.. In terms of Israel, that was easy.. The Jews WERE the underdogs. But, somewhere around 1973, they became the BIG dogs on the block, and started BULLYING the people they defeated JUST like they were bullied..As a left wing Jew, I STILL support the underdog, and the Jews ain't them..excon
When I first started hearing about a possible arms race I got scarred. Then I heard about the nice Christmas letter Putin sent Trump and I thought - good maybe it's a sign of peace... moreWhen I first started hearing about a possible arms race I got scarred. Then I heard about the nice Christmas letter Putin sent Trump and I thought - good maybe it's a sign of peace. Then I heard that Putin said he would visit the United States if he was invited and again I thought good. Then I started thinking what if it's just a diabolical Russian first strike plan and then my imagination really started running amuck. I was thinking stuff like what if Putin convinces Trump that since their friends there's no need for such heavy security and then they get Trump and the guy with the launch codes in a room and prevent Trump from giving the launch order to retaliate for the incoming Russian missals - I was also thinking that the Russians would send a Putin look a like. So what I would like to know is does the secret serves have the power to say no Sir your not going in that room even if Trump insists. Cheers, Merry Christmas and happy New Year! less
Hello:Is it when you talk about gays or black people? What about immigrants? If that's what it is, seems like BOTH sides talk about those people.. Or, am I totally MISS... moreHello:Is it when you talk about gays or black people? What about immigrants? If that's what it is, seems like BOTH sides talk about those people.. Or, am I totally MISSING it?excon