Hello:The president of the Philippines is KILLING non violent drug dealers. Trump LOVES it, and SAID so. He's about to drop the hammer here. Is that COOL with you... moreHello:The president of the Philippines is KILLING non violent drug dealers. Trump LOVES it, and SAID so. He's about to drop the hammer here. Is that COOL with you?? What would you LIKE the DEA to do? What WILL they do? Should they?exconPS> http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/03/politics/trump-duterte-phone-call/
She raised $6.5 mill for recounts. WI got $3.5 mill, MI is going to charge less than $1 mill. PN wants a $1mill bond but Stien is broke. Where is the other $2mill?Do donors h... moreShe raised $6.5 mill for recounts. WI got $3.5 mill, MI is going to charge less than $1 mill. PN wants a $1mill bond but Stien is broke. Where is the other $2mill?Do donors have an ability to sue?
Hello:And, WHY are there world wide ramifications for taking a STUPID phone call, anyway? Is this kerfuffle just another attack on Trump by the NY Times??exconPS> http://w... moreHello:And, WHY are there world wide ramifications for taking a STUPID phone call, anyway? Is this kerfuffle just another attack on Trump by the NY Times??exconPS> http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/02/us/politics/trump-speaks-with-taiwans-leader-a-possible-affront-to-china.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=a-lede-package-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news