No other game or sport is followed as closely by as many people, written, argued, and debated about year-round, and statistically tracked and quantified more than the grand old gam... moreNo other game or sport is followed as closely by as many people, written, argued, and debated about year-round, and statistically tracked and quantified more than the grand old game, which was played professionally as far back as 1869 by the Cincinnati Red Stockings.You can put basketball, cricket, football, hockey, and soccer all together, and you won't find as much printed or electronic literature about them as you will about baseball. It's not even close.
I know the vast majority do wear helmets nowadays, but there are still a few who don't. Last month I had to help a crashed cyclist who had fallen off at 20mph and landed on his hea... moreI know the vast majority do wear helmets nowadays, but there are still a few who don't. Last month I had to help a crashed cyclist who had fallen off at 20mph and landed on his head. He wasn't wearing one. I don't know how badly injured he was but it looked pretty bad and he was probably concussed.
I have to go with the Red Sox. Their offense is consistent and lethal. They seem to always find a way to win. The only other teams I give a chance to are the Astros and Brewers.