No one wants him around. Folks try to avoid him but he will not be ignored. You cannot shut him up. He is so enamored of his own mediocrity/dullness. Is he there because he is an o... moreNo one wants him around. Folks try to avoid him but he will not be ignored. You cannot shut him up. He is so enamored of his own mediocrity/dullness. Is he there because he is an object of derision? Is he there simply to make others feel good about themselves and thankful they are not him? Trying so hard to be liked he turns people off? Ever meet a person like that?
1. They're always there. ALWAYS!2. They refuse to be ignored. 3. You're damned if you dare try and ignore them, and you're damned if you pay attention to the... more1. They're always there. ALWAYS!2. They refuse to be ignored. 3. You're damned if you dare try and ignore them, and you're damned if you pay attention to them. 4. Some of them you like a lot, others not so much, but either way, why do they come around so often?5. Just when you think you've seen them for the last time, there they are, popping up again. 6. There is no logical order in which they appear.7. You're glad that you're the only person who can see yours, and you're doubly glad that you don't have to see anyone else's. 8. Clicking "delete" just doesn't work on them. 9. That weird one with the tildes seems to be everywhere. Ewwwww.10. They insist on bringing up topics that you'd rather leave behind. 11. Like thorns in your sides, they regurgitate little mistakes you've made in the past. to chime in?~ less
We haven't been in a long long while and even then for a long while in the last century of the colonial times we were fighting against slavery and negotiating with colonies to hand... moreWe haven't been in a long long while and even then for a long while in the last century of the colonial times we were fighting against slavery and negotiating with colonies to hand back control to their own governments... We are a strong country, a proud country, part of America's ancestry... but we are a very different people to that we were when there was an empire... very, very different.. most of us, and i mean the vast majority are into fair treatment, equality and valuing diversity.. If anything you could say we are too fair, too generous, too understanding and accepting.. but there's no way we are a people who build empires and seek to take advantage of other people's lands and riches... There are countries that still do that round the world unfortunately but we learned and became self aware enough to know it is wrong a long time ago.. Those were very different times.. times when not just we were building empires, the French, the Spanish and the Dutch had massive empires, along with... less
What kind of shoes are you wearing? How comfortable are they? Are you wearing socks? where is the place and time in which you are walking? What is the environment like? How do you ... moreWhat kind of shoes are you wearing? How comfortable are they? Are you wearing socks? where is the place and time in which you are walking? What is the environment like? How do you feel about it? What are your thoughts about it?Metaphor or reality?