So you are tested on monday and it comes out NEGATIVE.Can you really be assured the virus isn't somewhere inside ready to manifest its presence? Would a test on Tuesday show you ar... moreSo you are tested on monday and it comes out NEGATIVE.Can you really be assured the virus isn't somewhere inside ready to manifest its presence? Would a test on Tuesday show you are infected?Here today and gone tomorrow?Or not here today but here tomorrow?Can you be symptomatic, have the virus and spread it around without ever knowing you are a CARRIER? A TYPHOID Mary?
The first person elected president who ever served from the grave? Talk about a DEADHEAD?He is loved beloved adored worshipped lusted after. Even death won't them part. The them be... moreThe first person elected president who ever served from the grave? Talk about a DEADHEAD?He is loved beloved adored worshipped lusted after. Even death won't them part. The them being the ones who can't get enuff of him.He should start campaigning right now full time and rally daily in different red zones. Who knows?
On January 29, 2020 a plane carrying 195 Americans from the center of the Coronavirus outbreak in China landed at March Air Reserve Base.Who knew how contagious it was way back the... moreOn January 29, 2020 a plane carrying 195 Americans from the center of the Coronavirus outbreak in China landed at March Air Reserve Base.Who knew how contagious it was way back then?The plane was originally scheduled to land in Ontario but was rerouted to March.So far 540,000 confirmed cases reported in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties and 4800 deaths.Nationally so far 25.4 million cases and and 427,626 deaths.Of course New York got it from folks flying in from EuropeOne thing led to another and here we are. Every city has its own history and herstory! less
The FOOTOO ego hate wall is only up a partial little bit. Here a bit there a bit everywhere a bit bit bit.Should that wall be torn down too since it represents a threat that never ... moreThe FOOTOO ego hate wall is only up a partial little bit. Here a bit there a bit everywhere a bit bit bit.Should that wall be torn down too since it represents a threat that never existed which if it had no wall would have done anything to stop it?How many millions of dollars were diverted from the military to sate the FOOTOO ego hate? Anyone?.
Peculiarly weird odd and kinda sad. It's there to be given but isn't. It's DOLED OUT to "the deserving".SIGH.Too bad how sad. Some glad some mad. All bad. A CAD. A loving dad... morePeculiarly weird odd and kinda sad. It's there to be given but isn't. It's DOLED OUT to "the deserving".SIGH.Too bad how sad. Some glad some mad. All bad. A CAD. A loving dad. Confusing. Amusing. Accusing musing using abusing.EYE OF BEHOLDER?