The evil vile slime scum that jumps right on a grave and violates it and dances on it is astonishing to me.We know the duck doesn't stop hating when someone dies. It's one of his g... moreThe evil vile slime scum that jumps right on a grave and violates it and dances on it is astonishing to me.We know the duck doesn't stop hating when someone dies. It's one of his greatest assets. HATING.But Ruth Bader Ginsberg? 87 years old. What kind of vermin would make up stuff like THAT? Sick headed of course. Sigh. Why ask why? Who knows.Well you can bet your bottom dollar more of that will be coming your way. Maybe you are the one making it up. If not maybe you are enjoying it a whole lot. If not well how do you feel about people who lie about the dead? For what reason does that make any sense? less
Dying and causing others to die or become permanently damaged is a small price to pay for being able to do things your way wouldn't you say?My way or the highwayI did it my way
If so why would you? Isn't difference of opinion tolerable to you? Ought it not exist at all ever because what you believe is the only thing to believe and those who don't believe ... moreIf so why would you? Isn't difference of opinion tolerable to you? Ought it not exist at all ever because what you believe is the only thing to believe and those who don't believe what you believe are your BITTER enemies and must be revenged and put down?.Doesn't that seem a bit over the top over the edge over the normal limit of reason...wherever "normal" is these days? Complete concurrence with everything all the time no exceptions?Bloody boring. Dull. Gray. Mush..
Bowie State University in Maryland is an historically black college. Should any cop drag any student down steps especially a female version? Seems inappropriate to me. Does it happen often?