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  • Dipstick talked to Bob Woodward 18 times. He knew he was being recorded. What did he expect Bob Woodward to do?EDIT THE TAPES?This time Dipstick is attacking Dipstick with his with...  more
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    35 views 0 likes
  • I will tell you what I would say. For those of you who are disdainful of MAUDLIN don't read any further. You have been warned.Here's what I'd say to Answermug members. To those of ...  more
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    44 views 0 likes
  • Continuing to defend adore support grovel to and humiliate themselves for someone who clearly doesn't give a rat's a** if they live or die and continues to put them in jeopardy for...  more
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    41 views 0 likes
  • Do they still support adore defend a man whose DERELECTION OF DUTY caused unnecessary deaths?If so what ARE THEY?
    Last post by my2cents - September 11, 2020
    57 views 0 likes
  • SNARKY and SARCASTIC and SUPERCILIOUS VICIOUS only comes from other guys.Now why is it that some are such great pals and some find me an object to attack insult demean?I'm me with ...  more
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    45 views 0 likes
  • My sister is seven years younger than I am and my parents NEVER ONCE said that to me.Did anyone's or was that just some fake dialogue in movies?
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    68 views 0 likes
  • Does it matter to you how you are perceived? Are you just whom you are all the time in all situations or do you calculate and plan and follow a guide/script and DARE NOT do elsewis...  more
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    44 views 0 likes
  • They speak out per script of their politically partisan views. They dare NOT stray from it so they don't. Good obedient little boys who look like grown men, old men still are wanti...  more
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    38 views 0 likes
  • I will share mine.My son had gone to Germany for a computer-related conference. He and the professor he traveled with took a side trip to Paris before returning home to California....  more
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    40 views 0 likes
  • My calendar tells me today is Patriot Day. September 11. How odd.Go back to 9/11/2001. America was attacked on her own soil. Thousands died. Much damage was done. The Twin Towers w...  more
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    44 views 0 likes
  • Do you accept other people's views of what is and what isn't?Why?
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    43 views 0 likes
  • I wonder what the results would be in that regard if the dipstick brain is ever autopsied.But I wonder even more what makes the dipstick adoring worshipper brain tick? What makes t...  more
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    42 views 0 likes
  • In this alleged apparent letter the dipstick says Kim writes to him about how he went about killing his brother.Seriously. Would you put that in writing to anyone? Anyone who would...  more
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    39 views 0 likes
  • You should. They will grow up to be very selfish spoiled worthless useless allegedly "adult" homo saps. Like the dipstick. Sheesh. What chance do those kids have at growing up healthy?
    Last post by RosieG - September 11, 2020
    40 views 0 likes