The proudly defiant FASCISTS who pride themselves on being anti those who are antiFASCISTS are FASCISTS.They don't seem to grasp that. They are all short a few cards in the deck an... moreThe proudly defiant FASCISTS who pride themselves on being anti those who are antiFASCISTS are FASCISTS.They don't seem to grasp that. They are all short a few cards in the deck and among the dullest knives in the drawer with more than a few screws loose. Not one brain among them collectively. NOT ONE!So keep on railing against the ANTIFA. Go ahead. Keep it up. The more you do the more you ADMIT and CONFESS YOU ARE A FASCIST. Sheesh. Dumb as mud.
Since the dip and his cabal have moved on there will never be any need to address it. No matter how much higher the numbers go and the folks get sick and more will die the dip and ... moreSince the dip and his cabal have moved on there will never be any need to address it. No matter how much higher the numbers go and the folks get sick and more will die the dip and his cabal MOVED ON.Have you?
AS dipstick is the chief chicken-in-chief does the military have to follow the dipstick orders or can the military stay independent of the maniacal goals of maniacal dipstick compl... moreAS dipstick is the chief chicken-in-chief does the military have to follow the dipstick orders or can the military stay independent of the maniacal goals of maniacal dipstick completely irrevocable absolutely and definitely?
How can any sane patriotic American respect a five time fake bonespur draft dodger and do anything he says?He is a coward a wimp a wuss and a spineless whinya** malcont... moreHow can any sane patriotic American respect a five time fake bonespur draft dodger and do anything he says?He is a coward a wimp a wuss and a spineless whinya** malcontent hateful hating vicious evildoer. Not worthy of respect.And yet plans to play with his toy soldiers and dispatch them to polling places to enforce the dipstick orders whatever they are.Who out there in the military RESPECTS this cowardly weasel chickenboy? Why?
He foments VIOLENCE and HATE every minute of every day.No surprise there.That is precisely what he was charged to do and expected to do by his adoring worshippers which is the only... moreHe foments VIOLENCE and HATE every minute of every day.No surprise there.That is precisely what he was charged to do and expected to do by his adoring worshippers which is the only reason they elected to be the dipstick.Tear everything down. Destroy everything. Attack everything. Insult everything. Blow up everything. Flout authority convention laws justice fairness.Screw everyone all the time excluding his a**kissing adoring worshippers. Play to them the audience that appreciates his vile venal evil. He plays only to them and only for them. They know. less
Their only goal is to service the dipstick madness and that madness DEMANDS that anyone who disagrees with him be eliminated extincted done away with.These infected diseased servic... moreTheir only goal is to service the dipstick madness and that madness DEMANDS that anyone who disagrees with him be eliminated extincted done away with.These infected diseased servicing homo saps are blinded by love for the dipstick and also besotted with him. He owns them and they will do whatever he wants them to do.Infiltrate peaceful protests and create riots posing as "the enemy".Repeatedly this is what they are doing to service their master. He is much delighted with them and they wag their tails and keep doing it."We have met the enemy and they is us". Long ago in a comic strip POGO. Walt Kelly called it decades ago.Who will win? I don't know for sure.HATE and FEAR and EVIL is much stronger than love and joy and good. If it it weren't it would have died out centuries ago. But here it is and always was and always will be.The mindless hordes and throngs and mobs await instructions from their MASTER. The dipstick. Spawn of the devil. Somewhere some day THEY WILL ALL PAY. Where and when I cannot say.What is str... less
How can you NOT favor those who are kind caring HONEST HONORABLE FAIR JUST? How can you not DISFAVOR the opposite which is embodied in a dipstick and his ilk and colored feathered ... moreHow can you NOT favor those who are kind caring HONEST HONORABLE FAIR JUST? How can you not DISFAVOR the opposite which is embodied in a dipstick and his ilk and colored feathered comparnions?It's hard not to favor EXCELLENCE and INTELLIGENCE and CONSIDERATION and JUSTICE.What kind of NINCOMPOOP would one have to be to attack those qualities? What kind of INICOMPOOP stupid dumb idiot would favorite the opposites?
It will never be a dipstick tratiro's America. Never ever never.I reject that description. Only red pockets of dipstick adoring worshippers mar the landscape. Here and there they e... moreIt will never be a dipstick tratiro's America. Never ever never.I reject that description. Only red pockets of dipstick adoring worshippers mar the landscape. Here and there they exist. But it is not their America either. And never will be.Sheesh. Anyone who thinks that is not an American but a defiler denier despiser depraved degenerate..