It be da dipstick. Dat be da trutSo if dipstick despises crime and fights to restore LAW AND ORDER why does he than on the other pardon the corrupt the crooked the criminal? Both s... moreIt be da dipstick. Dat be da trutSo if dipstick despises crime and fights to restore LAW AND ORDER why does he than on the other pardon the corrupt the crooked the criminal? Both sides of his mouth? Hypocrit? Dipstick dimwit?
Denouncing GOD and supporting EVIL DEVIL SATAN VILE One day he will want to prove to the world that he OWNS his base and they will do anything for him and follow him anywhere up to... moreDenouncing GOD and supporting EVIL DEVIL SATAN VILE One day he will want to prove to the world that he OWNS his base and they will do anything for him and follow him anywhere up to and including RENOUNCING GOD and swearing undying devotion to him in whom all things are possible. The dipstick..They have already done it but this time he will require them to say the following words OUT LOUDI DENOUNCE GOD and WORSHIP DIPSTICK in whom I believe with all my heartFarfetched? Impossible? Look at all the IMPOSSIBLES you rolled over and accepted at his command. You think there is anything beyond his reach that he wouldn't dare to prove how much y'all adore and worship him to all exclusion of anyone or anything else.? You believe all his lies without question. What's one more? less
The dipstick said he had a FIRST HAND ACCOUNT of a plane going from somewhere to somewhere filled with thugs. Said he would get more info and let us know. Well where is the plane a... moreThe dipstick said he had a FIRST HAND ACCOUNT of a plane going from somewhere to somewhere filled with thugs. Said he would get more info and let us know. Well where is the plane and how many thugs and who are they and what has been done with them and what their motive? C'mon dipstick tell us what you float unless you just floated more home made poop. Didja?The dipstick will come up with radical hysterical doozies the closer he gets to his WATERLOO ARMAGEDDON. Wait and see what hysterical really can be in an old very terrified guilty of everything sad sack homo sap. Wait and see. The SWORD OF DAMOCLES HANGS OVER HIS HEAD. WITHER HE GOEST IT GOEST GOETH. Hanging by a very thin thread. less
Believing that the rest of us are as gullible as THEIR gullibles.We aren't.Being condescended to and patronized by supercilious blowhards and lied to and duped and duplicited... moreBelieving that the rest of us are as gullible as THEIR gullibles.We aren't.Being condescended to and patronized by supercilious blowhards and lied to and duped and duplicited and conned and scammed and tricked is INSULTING. They are spoiled rotten by THEIR gullibles. They are certain they are smarter than everyone.In that view they are certainly stupid dumb. Thinking you are smarter than folks you don't know is a sure sign of mental defect deficiency inadequacy petrification and well putrification. Ya know? Ya don't know? Oh boy. Have I got news for you. less
Clearly he does it pander to his fake base and show them what a tougn strong guy he and how invincible he is because he can lie and cheat and steal and maim and cripple n murder an... moreClearly he does it pander to his fake base and show them what a tougn strong guy he and how invincible he is because he can lie and cheat and steal and maim and cripple n murder and no ones does or says diddly. He gets away with murder LITERALLY.Bragging bast**d boy is beloved by his adoring worshippers. The more he is an SOB the more dearly beloved he be.
While a lobotomy takes away entirely the ability to think and one's personality a brainectomy removes the brain entirely so what is left is empty space which the dipsticks fills wi... moreWhile a lobotomy takes away entirely the ability to think and one's personality a brainectomy removes the brain entirely so what is left is empty space which the dipsticks fills with his bullsh** conspiracies and lies so that's why his adoring worshippers all sound alike "think" alike are alike.
He has gone through over under around or crashed right through all LAWS.Unless you have had a lobotomy you can obviously SEE THAT.Therefore to whit how much bullsh** is it for the ... moreHe has gone through over under around or crashed right through all LAWS.Unless you have had a lobotomy you can obviously SEE THAT.Therefore to whit how much bullsh** is it for the chief lawbreaker to tell you convincingly he is for law and order? Seriuosly how dumb to be to not see that quite clearly?He is above all laws. He said so.So what is he is a two-faced hypocrite. A baldfaced liar.The gullibles still trust him and believe in him and have faith in him are too inept to realize he cannot be both things. LAWBREAKER and law respecter/enforcer. It ain't happening. less
Cans of soup and bottles of frozen water and a**kissed shamelessly the Law and Order folks while he attacked insulted and lied about "the other side". Imbecilic dipstick can be cou... moreCans of soup and bottles of frozen water and a**kissed shamelessly the Law and Order folks while he attacked insulted and lied about "the other side". Imbecilic dipstick can be counted upon for always being on the wrong side of an issue! He will continue being absotively posilutely united with white racists white nationalists fascists groups who beg at his feet and adore him and are ready and weaponized to go out and murder at his request.Stay tuned. It's coming to a neigborhood near you too. You won't be left out. You too can march and shoot and kill and get away with it. Isn't it nice to know that the imbecilic dipstick has your back like that 24/7? less
FASCISMA governmental system let by a DICTATOR who has complete power FORCIBLY SUPPRESSING OPPOSITION AND CRITICISM regimenting all industry and commerce and emphasizing anAGGRESSI... moreFASCISMA governmental system let by a DICTATOR who has complete power FORCIBLY SUPPRESSING OPPOSITION AND CRITICISM regimenting all industry and commerce and emphasizing anAGGRESSIVE NATIONALISM AND OFTEN RACISMFASCISTA person who is DICTATORIAL or has EXTREME RIGHT WING VIEWSSo now you understand exactly why the FASCIST dipstick and his FASCIST adoring worshippers are so anti the anti Fascists don't you? Why would they support any group that despises what they are what they espouse what they perpetrate what they promulgate what they live? AHA moment? less
The dipstick is not a man. He never grew up. He stopped at a stage of arrested development where tantrums and hissy fits are the way he gets his point across.So do toodlers. Ever h... moreThe dipstick is not a man. He never grew up. He stopped at a stage of arrested development where tantrums and hissy fits are the way he gets his point across.So do toodlers. Ever hear of THE TERRIBLE TWOS? The dipstick in an adolescent trapped in the body of an old man. it happens. Like the boy who refused to grow up and lived in neverneverneverland. the dipstick is stuck in that imfantile rut. So are his fans. It is what it is. Until it isn't.
That unschdeled stop at a hospital was never explained other than that it was just a standrad part of his normal ordinary yearly physical. However it is alleged that mickeymousepou... moreThat unschdeled stop at a hospital was never explained other than that it was just a standrad part of his normal ordinary yearly physical. However it is alleged that mickeymousepounce was told to stand by because he might have to assume the duties of president if the dipstick were "put under" to have an operation. That just came out yesterday allegedly apparently.But the ministrokes accusation? Never happened except from the dipstick himself. So he has heart problems then?He is obese so that is one of the physical things that happens. The heart has to work VERY HARD to keep an obese body alive.Stay tuned. What else will dipstick deny that he was never accused of? Could get really hot! less