The frantic are now frenzied. Everywhere all the time ginning up the number and depth of their lies. Matter of fact they are as they KNOWINGLY LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE. In conce... moreThe frantic are now frenzied. Everywhere all the time ginning up the number and depth of their lies. Matter of fact they are as they KNOWINGLY LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE. In concerted collusive conspiracy they all work from the same script and have their MARCHING ORDERS. Do or die and they for dam* sure know the dying will not be by any of them. Why?Because they know the gullibles out there buy every lie every time and because they are considered to be stupid by the dipstick cabal et al the liars keep repeating the lies to keep the gullibles from forgetting them and moving on. That's why.The dipstick cabal et al have nothing but disdain and contempt for the gullibles. It is obvious in the way in which they fling those ridiculous lies that are immediately PROVEN to be false. The gullibles keep ignoring reality proof truth evidence and stick to delusion. But they are all seen as being exceedingly stupid by the dipstick cabal et al and that is why the dipstick cabal et al keep treating them as they do. Can't hold ... less
He showed you. The BEST at screwing you. They are that. For once he has lived up to what he promised.The best at corruption the best at crime the best at crookeding and lying and s... moreHe showed you. The BEST at screwing you. They are that. For once he has lived up to what he promised.The best at corruption the best at crime the best at crookeding and lying and sabotaging and harming and destroying and traitoring and treasoning and deceitfuling.They are all the very very very best at that. Proud of him y'all are right? Especially all the crooks in jail. More to come on that by the way including the dipstick one day when he civilianizes.
Yep. By the time election day is here the virus that dipstick refuses to acknowlege will have killed off how many more THOUSANDS of his voters? If he had a brain he'd have done som... moreYep. By the time election day is here the virus that dipstick refuses to acknowlege will have killed off how many more THOUSANDS of his voters? If he had a brain he'd have done something.He doesn't have a clue what constituency he services. Only the white supremacists ring his chimes and float his boat. Old people like him he couldn't care less about apparently. He said a few years ago when asked how he sees himself when he looks into a mirror and he said "as a 35-year-old".Proof of ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT from his own mouth? less
Aura of a low-class dame who inflames defames and shakes her booty.Yep.The sean the tucker the laura. STARS. The dipstick relies on them every day to tell him what to do and what t... moreAura of a low-class dame who inflames defames and shakes her booty.Yep.The sean the tucker the laura. STARS. The dipstick relies on them every day to tell him what to do and what to say. Without them he disappears.They outshine the dipstick every day in every way. He oozes sean tucker laura out of every pore. His peeps adore and implore for more. The dipstick is just the facade the masque the beard the front.The sean the tucker the laura. Keystone cops? Dumb Dumb and Dumbette? That's what ya get folks for making whoopee with dumbells. The Marx brothers? Roy Rogers Dale Evans and Trigger? Gene Kelley Frank Sinatra and Jules Munshin? The three musketeers and D'artagnan? Morning noon and night? Earth air water and fire? Whatever.Tinker to Evers to Chance?Breakfast lunch and dinner/supperBirth life and deathThe Father the Son and the Holy Spirit less
Republicans who talk SMALL GOVERNMENT BALANCED BUDGET CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY/REPUBLIC.Republicans who deliver on none of that. Blow up spending Screw balancing the budget...bloat... moreRepublicans who talk SMALL GOVERNMENT BALANCED BUDGET CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY/REPUBLIC.Republicans who deliver on none of that. Blow up spending Screw balancing the budget...bloat up more gubment and trample on the Constitution.Where di they go wrong? Was it the embracing of the Tea Party? The love of Barry Goldwater? What happened to the CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN and are there any left of them? Are they all now underground in hiding because they are now targets of what is now the dipstick dingbat coalition? Who knows?Still haven't delivered on a wondrous medical insurance program. All talk no walk. Bragging about how swell it will be and still as yet no delivery. Promises promises promises. Lies lies lies lies. Inadequate inept intolerables indifferent indigents.The party was no great shakes when it accept the dipstick as its standard bearer. It has disappeared completely and whatcha got is naught not nawt! less
Dipstick sez it will be ready by November 1. He is demanding it be ready BEFORE THE ELECTION so he can take a victory lap. That's all he cares about. Not you. Screw you. It's all a... moreDipstick sez it will be ready by November 1. He is demanding it be ready BEFORE THE ELECTION so he can take a victory lap. That's all he cares about. Not you. Screw you. It's all about him having bragging rights and he will tell if it were not for him you'd be dead. He will say he alone saved your life.How many of you are FOOLISH enough to sacrifice yourself on the altar of the dipstick ego?If you do happy trails to you. You really are brave. Will you force your children to take it too to show the dipstick how much faith you have in his snake oil message? Shame on you if you do. If you want to kill yourselves go ahead. Be my guest. What right do you have to murder your children just to please a crackpot wackadoodlenoodle dipstick egomaniacal dingbat?Do what you're gonna do. No one can stop you. May you all RIP eternally. And may GOD have mercy on your black souls. less
Could it possibly be that the dough goes directly into a dipstick bank account and that is why he congratulated a QANON supporting pol who is a dame? The more he gins it up the mor... moreCould it possibly be that the dough goes directly into a dipstick bank account and that is why he congratulated a QANON supporting pol who is a dame? The more he gins it up the more money he makes? Could be. He is a swell spokesmouth endorse front shill for everything. He ensnares the gullibles with his sales pitches for drinking bleach not wearing masks mocking truth and supporting bullsh**! They are so very happy to obedient him. He is so very happy they do. Host and parasites. A marriage made in He**.
I found it. Here it is.He could have had more children. He could have knocked up his wives more frequently. His egomania could have driven him to have a dozen kids but he stopped a... moreI found it. Here it is.He could have had more children. He could have knocked up his wives more frequently. His egomania could have driven him to have a dozen kids but he stopped at 5.3 with Ivana1 with Marla1 with MelaniaImagine 7 more trumps in the world carrying his blood and DNA? Isn't that a GOOD thing he done did by not making more mini hims?Of course he could have knocked up some hoors and paid them to get abortions and shut up about it but unless they tell on him we wouldn't know about that. He is a deadbeat cheapskate when it comes to paying what he owes but he is very good at paying off those he harmed to shut them up..I wonder if anyone will ever step forward and tell us he did knock them up and has another kid or more kids? That would not drive away any of his adoring worshippers. They would commend him for that. They commend him at great length for whatever he does will do did do. Not one word of despair or criticism will you ever hear from any of his adoring worshippers. They are wired differ... less
You or y'all don't seem to give a sh** about any of it. He doubles down and then he doubles down on the double down and y'all love him even more for it. What are you? What were you... moreYou or y'all don't seem to give a sh** about any of it. He doubles down and then he doubles down on the double down and y'all love him even more for it. What are you? What were you? What will you become?