When you worry you plan for think about all the various exigencies that may arise and come up with ways to crcimvent them. if you don't worry then when something out of the blue hi... moreWhen you worry you plan for think about all the various exigencies that may arise and come up with ways to crcimvent them. if you don't worry then when something out of the blue hits you are gobstomped...at least momentarily.So is worry a good or a not so hot? Because?
His weaponized adoring worshippers will EXPLODE and there will be riots all over the country and blood in the streets.They may do that anyway when he has to leave. I don't know. I ... moreHis weaponized adoring worshippers will EXPLODE and there will be riots all over the country and blood in the streets.They may do that anyway when he has to leave. I don't know. I don't trust any of them to "do the right thing" and accept graciously that it's time for pumpkina** to go.I'm serious.
When pumpkina** loses and has to leave the building it may not be him that refuses to leave. It may be his millions of weaponized adoring worhippers who will stand their ground and... moreWhen pumpkina** loses and has to leave the building it may not be him that refuses to leave. It may be his millions of weaponized adoring worhippers who will stand their ground and protect him and shoot to kill anyone who tries to escort away the pumpkina**!Put that in your pipe and smoke. So d'ya think that is more like or as likely as the a** himself refusing to go? SIGH.
Being as how everything pumpkina** says and does is based on blasphemy why would a GOD of any sort send that to anyone unless said GOD wanted to destroy them?BLASPHEMETo speak evil... moreBeing as how everything pumpkina** says and does is based on blasphemy why would a GOD of any sort send that to anyone unless said GOD wanted to destroy them?BLASPHEMETo speak evil of, slander, abuseDefaming, speaking evil to harmSo I think we can all agree that the pumpkina** blasphemes everry day. A gift from GOD or a punishment? Or possibly from the elsewise otherwise "other" guy?