Any boid that will nest in one of my 30 odd boidhouses is a favorite. Problem is ------ Little red squirrels can fit through the little entrances and they spend the winter there and block the birds from nesting during the summer.
This post was edited by B.H.Wilson at April 18, 2020 6:20 AM MDT
Is that what those birds in the Flinstons are? I like how Heron make a swoshing sound when they fly I also like watching them fish. Cheers and happy weekend
Big Bird fron Sesame's Tweety bigger sister.... They were both born in the Canary Islands ....:)D
This post was edited by Nice Jugs at April 18, 2020 6:20 AM MDT
I admit, the impact of seeing this movie, Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds," at probably-a-too-young-of-age - - ha! --- and particularly this scene, the most memorable for me of the entire movie [and it remains to this day "The Most Perfect Scene To Me of Any Movie I've Seen" (what and when the camera allows us to see, what we can't see, when we do see, the children's incessant singing in the background, 'Melanie's' {Tippi Hedren} visible concern at this point of the movie) ] -- the impact of this scene strengthened for me my fascination with crows. Before seeing the movie, I had already noticed and enjoyed them in life. I still admire them for a variety of reasons (not for what they do in the movie, ha!).