Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » What is something that people should never stare at?

What is something that people should never stare at?

Posted - May 6, 2020


  • 10557
    Their neighbors wife undressing... through the bedroom window... from the tree ... while playing 'The Stripper" on your phone ... at full volume ... while her husband is standing below you ... holding pruning shears.
      May 6, 2020 10:48 PM MDT

  • 53367
      May 7, 2020 6:53 AM MDT

  • 149
    A bull.
      May 7, 2020 1:22 AM MDT

  • 53367
      May 7, 2020 6:50 AM MDT

  • 149
    Yeah, those guys don't like being stared at. They can be very violent if you annoy them too much.
      May 7, 2020 8:17 AM MDT

  • 5391
    The sun
      May 7, 2020 3:54 AM MDT

  • 53367
      May 7, 2020 6:48 AM MDT

  • 16621
    A breastfeeding mother. She's doing what nature designed them to do, so quit ogling her already.
      May 7, 2020 5:44 AM MDT

  • 53367
      May 7, 2020 6:55 AM MDT

  • 5808
    You know, when you see someone welding,
    There is a very bright light at the welding point.
    The Welder wears special protection for his eyes.
    But we, passing by the welder, should never look at 
    that bright light, because it can burn a hole in your eyes.
    Especially with our kids teach them not to look/stare
    at that light.
      May 7, 2020 6:38 AM MDT

  • 53367
      May 7, 2020 6:58 AM MDT

  • 13395
    When scuba diving around the beaches you shouldn't be looking up staring at ladies swimming in their string bikinis because you might forget about your air supply and have to swim some distance trying to keep head above water with all that heavy gear.
      May 7, 2020 7:34 AM MDT

  • 53367

      May 7, 2020 7:41 AM MDT

  • 13395
    No string bikini? 
      May 7, 2020 7:43 AM MDT

  • 53367

      May 7, 2020 7:52 AM MDT

  • 13395
    Hmm... interesting. 
      May 7, 2020 11:01 AM MDT

  • 6988
    Never stare at 'Crazychick's'  butt photo on her mugger stats.
      May 7, 2020 7:48 AM MDT

  • 44540
    Why not. She'll never know. Don't tell her she has a nice one, though...she'll do a 'me too' on you.
      May 7, 2020 10:23 AM MDT

  • 53367

     I don't think she's a me-tooer. She doesn't strike me that way. 

      May 7, 2020 10:52 AM MDT

  • 44540
    A stranger's boobs or butt...'ME, TOO'.
      May 7, 2020 10:26 AM MDT

  • 53367

      May 7, 2020 11:48 AM MDT

  • 23408

    These children:

      July 15, 2021 9:01 PM MDT

  • 16621
    Village of the Damned?
      July 16, 2021 8:46 PM MDT

  • 23408
    Yessss! Good eye, Slartibartfast!
    The original from 1960.
    I remember I was about the  same age as these children when I first stayed up late at night to sneak down to the TV when I knew it was going to be shown. The rest of the family was asleep.
    I was terrified! And I loved every minute.
    The movie still holds up very well for me as an adult.  :)
      July 18, 2021 8:41 PM MDT