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Old people here. Other than death, what is something you have a great fear of?

For me it is falling. I have a very bad ankle, and I am normally kind of clumsy.

Posted - June 7, 2020


  • 22891
    im more afraid of living than dying to be honest
      June 7, 2020 2:42 PM MDT

  • 29
    Why is that?
      June 7, 2020 3:29 PM MDT

  • 22891
    cause of everything that can happen
      June 13, 2020 3:56 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Old people where?
      June 7, 2020 2:48 PM MDT

  • 44746
    In my basement.
      June 7, 2020 3:01 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Why the basement?  Why not the attic??
    ;) :)
    It's great to see you Element!

      June 7, 2020 3:27 PM MDT

  • 4624
    I have no fear of death itself,
    but I don worry that 98% of deaths involve suffering for varying lengths of time.
    I'd rather die in my sleep or via self-euthanasia.

    My greatest fears are to end up in unremediable pain, paralysed, blind, deaf, unable to smell or taste, or to lose my mind to dementia.
      June 7, 2020 3:34 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Hair follicles.

    On the top of your head, where the hair follicles should be throwing a party, they start going to bed early and  some not even getting up the next morning.  Some just die.
    In lieu of these, the nose and ear follicles pick up the slack and start throwing parties all their own.
    It seems to me, long, straggly, periodic, nose and ear hairs appear over night. 

    It hasn't happened to me but I've been keeping an eye on Don,  just in case... 
    ;) :)

      June 7, 2020 3:40 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I've often felt that men don't really lose their hair - it just pops up in other areas (ears, nose).
      June 7, 2020 4:34 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Ear today and gone tomorrow then ....Hare's up your nose is no joke either....if the hop it ,it will leave it wide open for rabbit squatters...:( 
      June 7, 2020 4:47 PM MDT

  • 19937
    LOL ...
      June 8, 2020 11:04 AM MDT

  • 10026
    I totally agree! :)  Why is that, I wonder??
    ;) :)
      June 7, 2020 9:59 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I don't know, but I've found a few errant chin hairs on my chin! This post was edited by SpunkySenior at June 10, 2020 1:27 PM MDT
      June 8, 2020 10:59 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I'm not afraid of death.  I'm afraid of the run-up to it and what condition I'll be in when I get there.  Quick and painless in my sleep would be best.  Like inky, I don't want to be in pain, demented or physically so incapacitated that I can't care for myself.  
      June 7, 2020 4:36 PM MDT

  • 53676


      Not precisely a fear, but I have a realistic concern for my children* based on ethnicity if a rabid or prejudiced person encounters them. My wife and I raised them right, I do not think that they would do anything that would or might warrant anyone to visit misconduct upon them, but as many instances have already shown, there are some people who harbor that provocation within themselves and need no valid excuse to create victims. Unfortunately, certain police officers or other authority figures are included in that probability.

      *My children are biracial; I am Black and their mother is Asian. They are not seen as Asian nor as half Asian nor as part Asian. They are seen as Black. Before any of you respond that color-blindness exists, please understand that it is not universal.  If and when any person wants to consider race or ethnicity as an identifying factor, race and ethnicity exists in that situation or circumstance.

      June 7, 2020 5:05 PM MDT

  • 44746
    I remember they were doing an interview with Tiger Woods' father. He was asked if they had raised him as a black or an Asian. He said they raised him as a human.
      June 7, 2020 5:14 PM MDT

  • 10026
    What a beautiful answer.
      June 7, 2020 5:56 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I can see how that is a concern. :(.
    I am sorry we live in a society where you have to have it. :(. 

      June 7, 2020 5:55 PM MDT

  • 13395
    My biggest fear is a bit irrational I think but falling into a deep hole in the ground and being unable to move. I  think i'd be stark raving mad in a few hours during the couple of days or so before finally croaking. I would rather be burned alive. 

    Was a story from WWII about soldiers dealing with the deep muck terrain in Belgium when one of them began sinking into a hole and could not be saved. By the time he was up to his neck after a period of time sinking in the muck he had gone totally stark raaving mad.
      June 7, 2020 6:20 PM MDT

  • 44746
    That would drive me insane. Being buried alive. It is difficult to even talk about an incident we had here with a young lad who crawled down a chimney and was alive for three days before he died..
      June 7, 2020 6:33 PM MDT

  • 8274
    My house being broken into
    Not great fears more like concerns. 

      June 7, 2020 6:28 PM MDT

  • 7809
    Dying on the toilet.
      June 7, 2020 10:06 PM MDT

  • 14795
    When you've gotta go,youve gotta go I suppose....You cant say ,hold on a minute...I've not finished what I'm doing at the moment...:)( 
      June 8, 2020 4:46 AM MDT

  • 1305
    Losing my marbles.

      June 10, 2020 12:11 PM MDT