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If you were elected President of the United States, what is the first thing you would do?

Posted - September 6, 2020


  • 13277
    Is it? Do you know what every lobbyist does? Can you unequivocally say that all have evil motives? What about those who advocate for tax breaks and drug approvals? This post was edited by Stu Spelling Bee at September 7, 2020 6:06 PM MDT
      September 7, 2020 11:59 AM MDT

  • 44761
    Do you know...

      September 7, 2020 12:09 PM MDT

  • 17077
    Definitely banish the corporation bullies who advocate for tax breaks. They benefit the most from the infrastructure that taxes pay for.
      September 7, 2020 5:04 PM MDT

  • 13277
    And those advocating lower-income assistance like the Earned Income Tax Credit and the lowering of drug prices? They must be evil too. Throw all the bums out! Of course, it will never happen.
      September 7, 2020 5:18 PM MDT

  • 35071
    And it is a right listed in the 1st amendment.
      September 8, 2020 6:16 AM MDT

  • 13277
    I don't know how Australia treats the freedom-of-speech issue.
      September 8, 2020 7:01 AM MDT

  • 35071
    I don't know either. But question say President of USA. I was thinking of Lobbying as falls under freedom petition the government. But it is also freedom of speech.   
    So as you said....that is not getting banned.  This post was edited by my2cents at September 9, 2020 7:19 AM MDT
      September 8, 2020 7:10 AM MDT

  • 53687


      I would greatly expand the powers of The Grammar Police nationwide. Something has to be done to address the problem!

      September 6, 2020 10:32 AM MDT

  • 35071
    Maybe invest more in education and require typing class from early age.  
      September 6, 2020 10:42 AM MDT

  • 53687


      Thank you. That’s sounds great fir for the My2cents presidential administration, the Randolph D presidential administration, however, will greatly expand the powers of The Grammar Police nationwide. 


    This post was edited by Randy D at September 7, 2020 10:27 AM MDT
      September 6, 2020 10:55 AM MDT

  • 35071
    No Defunding of Police of any kind here. 
      September 6, 2020 11:19 AM MDT

  • 44761
    What's with the 'fir' lately?
      September 6, 2020 5:16 PM MDT

  • 53687

      Doh!  It’s my most oft-repeated typo lately!  Grrrrr. 


      September 6, 2020 7:19 PM MDT

  • 11413
    Have a walk about and picnic on the WH  grounds with the gardners and cleaning staff to help clear my head so that I would  be able  to start thinking how I can take care of  a Country. Cheers and happy weekend!
      September 6, 2020 11:37 AM MDT

  • 44761
    Maybe they would let you drive the mower for a while.
      September 6, 2020 5:17 PM MDT

  • 11413
    Yep and then I would tell them about the British made riding lawn mower I had in Canada and let them know that it was a RollsCanHardly and how it would roll down one grassy hill then it can hardly make it up the next grassy hill. Then we would laughing and laugh and be off to a great  working relationship.  Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at September 7, 2020 10:38 AM MDT
      September 6, 2020 5:33 PM MDT

  • 44761
    Good idea.
      September 6, 2020 5:41 PM MDT

  • 23837


    I would never run for that position.  Tons of people must have chosen me as a "write in " option. I'd have to disappoint all of them.
      September 6, 2020 8:37 PM MDT

  • 5450
    I would fire all of the previous administrations' appointees and appoint my own, then I would review all of the previous administrations' executive orders and reverse the ones I don't like.  Those are probably the only things I would ever get done as President since I'm neither liberal nor conservative.  I'd have a hostile Congress no matter which party was in power, and both liberal media and conservative media would be my opposition, so being President of the USA would be a really crappy job for me.  I'd probably either quit or just try to dissolve Congress and become a dictator.

      September 7, 2020 12:35 AM MDT

  • 17660
    Pray for guidance. 
      September 7, 2020 5:34 AM MDT

  • I would "drain the swamp" in actuality, because contrary to the overblown promises of the current president, the mire of the swamp has only thickened and become more murky during his tenure. My first act of policy would be to re-instate all environmental protections that have been rolled back.
      September 7, 2020 10:05 AM MDT

  • 11413
    4 more years! Now that the thought of being elected President of America has sunk in and I am now confident that I will do a good job at bringing all Americans together for a common good - I want a second term. I gave my re election slogan a bit of thought and it might be - If You Thought The Lawnmower Joke Was Funny Wait Till You Hear The Next One. Cheers!
      September 7, 2020 11:52 AM MDT