I was just in it for the Tupperware.
She promised not to say anything! Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
Please don’t let anyone investigate my search history on the company computer. It’s all about circumventing restraining orders and how to locate a lost love in a northern state. It might look bad for me if that gets out. Grrrrrrrr.
Flimsy evidence of anything that should worry me; practically everyone keeps those types of things in their workstations! (Don’t they?)
Mostly 8x10 glossies but also a few dozen wallet-sized ones, if you want to sell them off and keep one for yourself, that’s fine; I have plenty more where those came from. You may keep 11.0192837465% of the profits because I like you so much.
We here at The Harem prefer the term “relationship enhancement tools”. Shhhhhhh.
No, no, no, no! It doesn’t have to be painful, it’s just a question of getting in there at the proper angles! Oh, why am I wasting time trying to explain it? Much better if I just fly to New York and demonstrate it in person. (Would you prefer with massage oil or without?)
Fake news. As if YOU would ever receive an award for anything! This is just another attempt of yours to besmirch my good name, o disgruntled one! Grrrrrrr.
*Hello, is this the FCC? Good morning, my name is Randy D, and I’m calling to rep…..WAIT, DON’T HANG UP! Grrrrrrr.