Well I am more Iggy Pop fancy then Iggy Azalea fancy. And on a scale of one to Iggy - I am Iggy Pop Plus Fancy. Iggy and I share the same impeccable fashion sense but unlike Iggy I secrete a natural Potpourri scent. So that's pretty fancy. Cheers!
This post was edited by Nanoose at April 21, 2023 8:10 AM MDT
2, I believe I look better in a classic style, perhaps one nice piece of artistic jewelry which compliments what I am wearing. Definitely not a fufu kind of person, stripes and patterns are also not my thing.
1 to 10 on Iggy. I will wear a Harley Davidson T- shirt but absolutely no jewelry or watches or things around the wrist. Born from a simple Irish heritage of original 1895 onwards, what goes on in the mind is fancier then what goes in the body. It's excess energy for me to figure why people throw all the excess stuff on except to be attractive for a mate in which I don't want a relationship. I have no family members who wear extra stuff out of all 7. It seems like reserved aristocracy. I'm like, why destroy the earth for that gold ring or diamond earing? Ask a Spanish person why they are jewelry and one person's answer is because we are poor of spirit and compare.
This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at April 21, 2023 8:40 AM MDT