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Assassination attempt on Trump. Anyone surprised?

And the media wonders why we don't trust them...

Posted - July 13


  • 3542
    What you said was, "Republicans do not give money to Dems Act Blue."  The shooter was a registered REPUBLICAN - never mind who he voted for in a primary.
      July 14, 2024 4:54 PM MDT

  • 10865
    We still don't know the motive. Maybe it wasn't political. Maybe it was just an opportunity to do something big and die in the process. Like school shootings and other mass shootings. 

    When we don't have answers, it's human nature to come up with an explanation. I just hope all this speculation doesn't cause more violence. 
      July 14, 2024 7:02 PM MDT

  • 3542
    Once again, you have missed the point.  Your statement says Republicans don't donate to Dems Act.  Yet, Crooks was a registered REPUBLICAN, thereby refuting your declarative statement.  Instead of admitting that your statement was incorrect, you muddied the waters with speculation about his motives, school shooting, etc.   
      July 15, 2024 7:54 AM MDT

  • 10865
    Are you talking to me? I was giving my honest opinion, not trying to muddy the waters. We don't know until we know.
      July 15, 2024 10:41 AM MDT

  • 3542
    My apologies - this was not meant for you.  I thought my2cents wrote it.  This thread has kind of gotten out of hand.  Again, I'm sorry.
      July 15, 2024 11:19 AM MDT

  • 10865
    No apology needed. 
      July 15, 2024 11:37 AM MDT

  • 3542
    Thank you.  
      July 15, 2024 11:43 AM MDT

  • 11020

    The shooters social media pictures show him wearing the merchandise of a YouTube gun channel that supports far-right Republican candidates. So I figure he was more far right than left.

      July 14, 2024 2:26 PM MDT

  • 33957
    Do you think there are no Dem gun owners or that those owners do not belong to groups that support gun rights?  
      July 15, 2024 5:03 AM MDT

  • 3542
    Not to mention how could the shooter get a gun that size so close without being caught?  The sad part is that an attendee was killed. This post was edited by Spunky at July 14, 2024 5:45 AM MDT
      July 14, 2024 5:35 AM MDT

  • 33957
    Failure of the SS....there were requests for larger SS detail but they were denied.  

    No way, there should have been a unsecured roof that close to the rally. (150 yds is deer hunting range with a slug)  People seen him and tried to show him to police but were ignored.    Failure of the SS and other security. 
      July 14, 2024 5:42 AM MDT

  • 1493
    It's awful. A spectator killed and others injured. 

    No, I'm not that surprised. It's been about 8 years since I somewhat expected it. Some people are wondering how this could happen in America, saying it's not the same country anymore... which seems to disregard history. I don't think any reasonable Democrat could have wanted this. It will only make things worse. Messages of support, and condemnations of the violence, have been pouring in from the left, as they should, yet the right will want to present it within the "us against them" rhetoric, rather than as the actions of an individual. Understandable, but wrong. America doesn't need more division, and this should be an opportunity to stress the importance of bridging that divide. 

    I doubt it will be, though. Your question already suggests as much, by blaming the media in a conspiratorial manner. When have the media not been divided on presidents and presidential candidates? Or manipulative, for that matter? It's bizarre to me how Republicans will attack "the media" seemingly indiscriminately, while so voraciously consuming their own. You get your information from somewhere too, don't you? Does contradicting those who appear biased automatically make one unbiased? This post was edited by Danilo_G at July 14, 2024 1:49 PM MDT
      July 14, 2024 4:47 AM MDT

  • 3542
    I don't believe Republicans, or should I say MAGA Republicans, want to bridge the divide.  They prefer the "us vs. them" scenario. This post was edited by Spunky at July 14, 2024 6:28 AM MDT
      July 14, 2024 5:39 AM MDT

  • 1493
    I'm afraid you're right. "Compromise" seems to have become an unacceptable word in politics. When people don't meet each other peacefully, sooner or later, they meet each other violently. And it's certainly not the first act of political violence in recent years.
      July 14, 2024 5:55 AM MDT

  • 3542
    Both parties have had ample opportunities to conduct the business of the people in a bi-partisan way.  The GOP has screeched for three years that Biden has done nothing about the situation at the border, but when a bi-partisan bill was presented which would have made a serious attempt to rectify the problems, the GOP refused to even consider it.  They would rather have had the problem continue than to give Biden credit for something they couldn't solve in their four-year majority in Congress.
      July 14, 2024 6:07 AM MDT

  • 33957
    What has Biden offered the GOP?  The border bill was not a border bill. It opened the border please don't offer that one.
      July 14, 2024 6:16 AM MDT

  • 3542
    Well, the representatives from BOTH parties agreed on the bill.
      July 14, 2024 6:19 AM MDT

  • 33957
    Not did not pass.  
      July 15, 2024 5:45 AM MDT

  • 33957
    I have asked people here about what they were willing to compromise about.  I even started off with something I would give on.....I was offered nothing they would compromise on to get what I was offering. 

    Compromise takes 2...but generally speaking neither side is willing to give.  And I will say I do not like or want my elected officials flipping for the sake of "bipartisanship"  and will vote them out for it.  I believe most of us feel this way...left or right.
      July 14, 2024 6:14 AM MDT

  • 3542
    The commission that came up with the border legislation was bi-partisan.  Two parties agreed to the terms.  The GOP wouldn't even bring it for a vote.  That's not compromise.  And, just so you know, your state isn't the only state in the Union.  
      July 14, 2024 6:17 AM MDT

  • 33957
    Your right my state is not the only one...and neither is yours.  But my elected officials are mine and I expect them to represent me and my fellow constituents.  As I am sure you do...and if they flip on me (or you) for the sake of bipartisanship then I am sure both you and I would feel betrayed and work to vote them out.   

    If you are not sure, look at the comments directed at politicians such as Romeny, McCain (when he was alive), Murkowski,  Collins and Sinima, Manchin one likes being betrayed by their party elected. 
      July 15, 2024 10:56 AM MDT

  • 1493
    That's interesting, and I seem to remember you asking that question but can't find it again. At any rate, it's certainly difficult, and that appears particularly the case within a two-party system: like you seem to imply there, too many people don't actually want compromise if they feel they can undo the other party's work with each new cycle. Round it goes.
      July 14, 2024 6:22 AM MDT

  • 33957
    I get my info from several sources.  The headline is proof of their bias....they could not even say what it an assassination attempt.   He did not fall, he was shot and ducked for cover. The video they show is titled "Secret Service interrupt Trump Rally" another false title as there headline. 

    There was a comment saying to watch more conservative sources to contradict the left bias.   I personally watch multiple sources to correct the left wing bias, twist and lies.
      July 14, 2024 5:55 AM MDT

  • 1493
    Your first paragraph doesn't really mean anything, and the second one is almost incredibly contradictory. 

    Go to CNN, if you please: they're calling it an assassination attempt, and simply base that on how the Secret Service and FBI treat it. That's how breaking news works. 

    I don't even know what to say about "I need to watch more sources that promote my side so it doesn't affect my judgement."
      July 14, 2024 6:15 AM MDT

  • 33957
    I gave you the screen shots of what they were reporting last night.  Here is the screen shot of the video headline as well....

    They knew last night that it was an assassination attempt....but refused to call it that.  Instead it was "Trump falls" and "speech interrupted by SS".  

    That is not what I said....I said I watch the other sources so I can identify their lies.  If I don't I do understand what or how they twisted the facts. I watch CNN, Newmax, NewNation, and follow several news sites that report from all kinds of sites with links to the original sites. 
      July 14, 2024 7:04 AM MDT