Discussion » Questions » Politics » The convicted felon is now calling for a national day of police brutality. What does it take for ppl to realize he is NOT FIT FOR OFFICE?

The convicted felon is now calling for a national day of police brutality. What does it take for ppl to realize he is NOT FIT FOR OFFICE?


Posted - Tue at 3:00 AM


  • 33860
    Believe what you want.  Believe the city guy who's job it is to keep the city pr favorable.   Or the people who live there. I viewed the police body cam video of a lady in OH getting arrested for eating a cat.  I viewed the video of a  crazy looking carcass on a charcoal grill also in OH.  I listened to the testimony of the black man saying he saw people killing the ducks and geese in the park.  And his subsequent interview saying he wished he had been quiet because people claimed he said cats and dogs. 
    I listened to the man in the screenshot I posted above who asked about reports of pets being eaten and the council saying they had received reports. 
    I listened to the woman saying after decades of living in Springfield,  she has grown men throwing mattresses in her yard and yelling at her in a foreign language.  Saying the city is protecting the immigrants but no one is protecting her 95# self and her disabled husband.  
    The parents of children who now need a special Tudor for school because their child is the only one who does speech a foreign language.  
    The veterans who cannot get medical care because the doctors and hospitals are over run. 

    I will believe the people who live there. 
      October 2, 2024 5:56 AM MDT

  • 10734
    Please don't hurt yourself jumping to conclusions about what I said. I do not dispute that an influx of immigrants is disruptive or that there are issues. I do not dispute people spoke at city council meetings or made police reports. I did see the video of what looked like chickens on a BBQ, that some say are cats. I just said that this story about eating pets is an old one. There are some cultures that do eat cats and dogs, but Haiti is not one of them. Spreading rumors is not helping the town deal with their real issues. It's difficult to have a rational discussion with people who get apoplectic any time someone makes a comment that doesn't fit their narrative. 
      October 2, 2024 7:24 AM MDT

  • 3471
    Maybe because until recently I was a NYC resident who has been exposed to different cultures my whole life, I'm not given to believing all those nonsense stories and I'm not afraid of learning something from other cultures.  Maybe those who are more insulated should try learning something new.
      October 2, 2024 10:31 AM MDT

  • 10734
    I think we need to have some sympathy for them. Change is hard. But when politicians exploit the situation and spread rumors, it diverts attention and resources from real problems that an influx of immigrants can cause in a small town. Every group of immigrants faced discrimination and I don't think people will change any time soon.
      October 2, 2024 10:42 AM MDT

  • 3471
    It really irritates me that Vance admitted that the rumors he was spreading weren't true, yet he spread them anyway.  As a result, violence against Haitians has increased.  That was a pretty ignorant and unnecessary way for him to get the attention of the media.  He could have stood naked in Times Square and gotten the same attention from the media without causing harm to anyone.  You're right - some people will neve change because they don't see that they are being unfair.
      October 2, 2024 10:49 AM MDT

  • 33860
    I did not say none. I listened to the people who live there. Saying they are being yelled at in a foreign language. 

    I don't care what color they are, our government should not import illegals from another country and drop 50% of any town's population like that. The town resources cannot handle that amount of growth that quickly.  And even more so if they are not used to western culture.  (Population was 40k the Harris administration dropped in 20k)  No town can handle that much of an influx. 
      October 2, 2024 6:05 AM MDT

  • 3471
    You know, the people of Springfield aren't complaining as much as you are.  Those LEGAL immigrants are opening businesses which will employ people and contribute to the tax base.  Did you ever think of that?  Probably not.  Teaching their children to speak English, if they don't, will make them better citizens, more likely to be employable, also contributing to the tax base.  Give that some consideration and, while you're at it, try realizing that at one time or another, most of our forebears came here from other countries, most of them did not speak English, most of them assimilated and worked their way up the economic ladder.  Nothing speak "ignorance" more than a closed-minded person.
      October 2, 2024 10:36 AM MDT

  • 33860
    They aren't complaining as much as me.then how is it making national news? 

    The Mayor there is making plenty of money off of them...he has ownership in several of the apartments the government pays for. 

    Learning English should be a requirement for staying here.  
      October 2, 2024 1:18 PM MDT

  • 3471
    It's making national news because the lies are being bandied about by Trump and Vance on National TV - DUH!  These Haitians have been here for some time, but you didn't hear anything about them before your two idols started running rampant with their lies.

    Is it illegal for the Mayor to own apartments?  Is it illegal for the Mayor to be paid via government funds for people on welfare or government assistance?  If not, then why bring it up because if it's not illegal, the the Mayor could just as easily be getting government funds for apartments he rents to people other than immigrants? 

    Demanding that English be a requirement in order to stay in the USA is pretty ridiculous, not to mention discriminatory.  Does mandatory English apply to white people from other countries, too? This post was edited by Spunky at October 2, 2024 3:44 PM MDT
      October 2, 2024 3:41 PM MDT

  • 33860
    Vance is those people Senator it is his job to address their problems.

    As for the Mayor, it is a conflict of interest between representing his constituents and making money from the Feds paying rent....illegal or not, if I lived there I would be out campaigning against him because of it. 

    Yes absolutely English required for all immigrants that is part of becoming an American is learning and speaking the language. Regardless of previous country whether Mexico,  Haiti, Czech, or those "tacky Russians in NYC." Just as if I wanted to move to Mexico or France or anywhere else, they country should rightfully expect me to learn Spanish or French or whatever the country's main speaking language is. 
      October 2, 2024 4:48 PM MDT

  • 3471
    "The United States does not have an official language. English is the most widely used language in the U.S., and some states designate it as their official language."

    "The Founding Fathers did not include a provision for an official language in the U.S. Constitution. Their focus was on building a nation based on democratic principles, individual freedoms, and equality, rather than mandating a singular language. English was the predominant language, but many early settlers and communities spoke other languages, including Dutch, German, French, and Spanish.

    The lack of an official language reflects the early American ethos of pluralism. The framers of the Constitution recognized the diversity of the population and the contributions of non-English-speaking communities. Rather than imposing a language requirement, they aimed to create a framework that respected individual liberties, including linguistic freedom."

    There is nothing in the Constitution requiring that English be spoken because there is no national language.  Why do you think that so many government publications, including voting ballots, are written in several languages?  Not every immigrant that comes here wants to be an American citizen.  That is their choice.  Plenty of people come here legally yet never learn English.  Somehow, they manage to earn a living and take care of themselves.  

      October 3, 2024 2:41 AM MDT

  • 33860
    Where did I say English was the official language?

    I said anyone who moves here should be required to learn English.  It helps them in US and helps the US. 
      October 3, 2024 5:24 AM MDT

  • 3471
    You didn't have to say English was the official language.  The implication is there otherwise you might have said they should have to learn any of the other 250+ languages that are spoken here.  
      October 3, 2024 8:29 AM MDT