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If 100,000 people on unemployment drop off the rolls after an allotted amount of time does it mean they found jobs since unemployment

just dropped? Is this Liberal thinking and AGAIN why Trump won?

Posted - May 26, 2017


  • 6477
    We know that there are many ways in which the figures don't give a true representation of the numbers of people who are unemployed. And if people are wiped off lists for reasons of bureaucracy or because they suddenly become ineligible due to some rule or other then the fact remains they are still not employed and are still not contributing to the economy.

    Governments are always trying to manipulate unemployment figs..

    However, that aside, let's face it.. the conservative/republicans are usually rich powerful nobs who are seriously NOT interested in poor people.. so voting for them is unlikely to bring about anything that will actually help them..

    Personally I cannot imagine why anyone would vote for Trump.. he's clearly an arrogant nob who has led a life of privilege - he has NO idea how the ordinary working, or non-working man lives... he doesn't identify with them.. he hangs out with the rich and powerful...he is ALL hype, bluster and lies..So, while I am happy to be proven wrong on the job front, I wouldn't hold your breath 
      May 27, 2017 1:51 AM MDT

  • 1233
    You seem to think you have a clear idea of how the rich live. You seem to think you have insight into their lives. Though you think it's just impossible for them to have insight into the poor and middle class. Why?

    There are numerous examples of Trump showing, long before he got into politics, that he does have empathy for the poorest in society. Here are a few examples.
    This post was edited by Zeitgeist at May 27, 2017 8:36 AM MDT
      May 27, 2017 8:34 AM MDT

  • 6477
    There you go with your veiled, or not so, personal comments and assumptions about me again.. seriously, there's no place for that and if I didn't know better I'd think it were a diversionary tactic ...ok, ok, we got it.. you love Trump and you will defend him to the max.. sure well fine but why, oh why do you always try to turn it into something personal??? Hmm.. ask yourself that.. it's ALWAYS you this, you that and its ALWAYS derogatory insinuations..

    Ok despite that I will try my best to answer your accusations.. We know that in the UK, and possibly elsewhere too that there are MANY examples of philanthropy and the rich helping the poor, helping to improve their lives.. BUT it would be wrong and crass to say that that's usually the case, especially in the states where there IS more emphasis on money and wealth.. That's not me saying it.. it's something that's said time and time again, even by people here.. and we KNOW that there is also a much less in the way of welfare support.. I was just listening to radio 4 where a woman had her husband die suddenly and she went back to work 10 days later.. she was ok but she again emphasised that there really is a lot less in the way of support there..  so it is what it is.. insulting me or, as you often do, trying to repeatedly belittle me won't change that.. 

    And as for our friend Trump, while sometimes he has done nice things.. he has ALSO done a lot of bad things, cite the number of lawsuits against him and that many of those who have worked for him have complained of him shafting them and not paying them or underpaying them.. 

    You need also to remember that just cos a rich person does something nice OR even does lots of nice things..doesn't mean that they understand or have any real idea about what it's like to be poor.. 

    But all that's aside... the fact is that Trump is known not to be very kindly when it comes to the poor.. and his allegedly helping a few people here and there doesn't cut the mustard when most of the policies and decisions are actively against the poorest people in the country.. I don't have to tell you in detail cos there are enough people on here saying it straight from the horses mouth...

    AND further.. the point I was trying to make, and which you seek to distract from, is that typically conservative types ARE known for protecting the interests of the rich and upper class, and often at the expense of the poor.. This was an un-emotive statement, I didn't say i agreed or disagreed with it - but you know very well that that IS the case.. There might be a policy or two to try to help, but it remains the case that policies of conservative govts do tend to favour and support the more wealthy whereas those of labour govts tend to do the opposite..  I do think there is less distinction between Labour and Conservatives in the UK but it remains the case as i say...

    Oh came across this when I looked at your vids.. thanks for that   This post was edited by Adaydreambeliever at May 27, 2017 10:31 AM MDT
      May 27, 2017 10:03 AM MDT

  • 1233
    I didn't insult you at all. I asked a perfectly reasonable question.

    Sure, there are plenty of people on both sides of the political spectrum who are morally bankrupt and just pursue their self interest without caring about anyone else. They are not true believers in anything.

    If Trump were one of these he would just be nice to the establishment and not rock the boat. 

    I assure you there are plenty of right wingers who sincerely believe their policies benefit the poor. You may disagree (if you don't understand economics  and human nature very well) but that is what we believe. If I thought leftism actually helped society, I'd be on the left. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at May 27, 2017 12:52 PM MDT
      May 27, 2017 12:38 PM MDT

  • 34959
    I don't know if it was a liberal or conservative who came up with our system of figuring the number of unemployed but I do know it is all just a game they all play with to make their side sound better. 

    It simply means they no longer count... whether or not they found a job. 
      May 27, 2017 4:46 AM MDT

  • 22891
    maybe some of them but not all of them
      May 29, 2017 3:33 PM MDT