In America, each generation of teenagers adopts styles specifically to indicate rebellion against the adults. There is a strong impetus to conform to the current standard of nonconformity.
I only know 2 elderly spinsters and they both wear crocheted toques that have a multi coloured puffy ball on top of them. Not sure if the rest of the elderly spinsters in Canada wear the same thing so maybe I'll googal - "Canadian elderly spinster virgins + multi coloured puffy balls" and see what pops up. Cheers!
I really don't think so. Though don't know as it would be quite presumptuous and even judgmental of me to even try to determine who has or has not had sex. At whatever age. These days I would think most women in my society most certainly have. But I was formerly considered something of a "spinster" at my office simply because I was not married and did not publicize my intimate life. But no longer now I have a husband.