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What countries are your ancestors from?

All of my mom’s side of the family came from England. Manchester and Stockport to be exact. My dad’s side of the family came from Scotland, Austria, and the Czech Republic.  

Posted - September 4, 2018


  • 5450
    The majority of my ancestry is English, Scottish, Swedish, Norwegian and German.
      September 4, 2018 7:12 PM MDT

  • 1502
    Nice. Thanks for sharing. 
      September 4, 2018 7:13 PM MDT

  • 35076
    Mainly German, Swedish, Indian, and then a little bit of everything else.
      September 4, 2018 8:42 PM MDT

  • 1502
    Thank you for sharing. Would this be Native American Indians or from India?
      September 4, 2018 8:44 PM MDT

  • 35076
    Native American
      September 4, 2018 8:44 PM MDT

  • 53696

      Unfortunately, I can't narrow it down to any one particular country or to any number of particular countries: the trail was lost during The Middle Passage. 

      September 4, 2018 9:44 PM MDT

  • 44765
    I would guess Madagascar. They are known for their perfect grammar.
      September 5, 2018 4:13 PM MDT

  • 11418
    Well I don't know who my daddy is but my mother came from the Ukraine. Cheers!
      September 4, 2018 9:49 PM MDT

  • 44765
    I wonder if we are related. My grandmother moved from the Ukraine to Halifax. What part of Canada are you from. Are there any Blumenthals from your past?
      September 5, 2018 4:15 PM MDT

  • 11418
    Well it's a small World and a small cyberspace so maybe were related.  We could figure it out easy if I gave you my grandmothers maiden name but I use it for the security questions for passwords - guess I shouldn't give out my dogs name either. Maybe we could figure it out with cabbage rolls my Grandmother  and all her relative's made the best cabbage rolls in the  World (they had a secret family recipe), So  if your Grandmother also made the best cabbage rolls in the World  - it could mean were related. My Grandmother first settled in Saskatchewan - lots of Ukrainians settled there back then and thankfully they brought Ukrainian wheat seeds with them because it's one of few strains of wheat that could survive the Saskatchewan climate.  It's been about 50 years since I heard the Ukraine talk but if a Blumenthals is one of those duds  that carried a big sword and rode around on horse and battled with the Russians them I hope their in my past. Cheers!
      September 5, 2018 6:27 PM MDT

  • 44765
    It was just a thought. Ya never know.
      September 5, 2018 6:34 PM MDT

  • My dad's side of the family is mostly English, with some French and German in there as well. I know we could trace relatives back to Lancashire (my last name originated there). They came to California during the Gold Rush.

    My mom's side of the family is from Japan (my mom was born there). They are mostly from Chugoku. My mom grew up in Okayama; her parents still live there and I visit at least once a year. 
      September 4, 2018 10:41 PM MDT

  • 1502
    Awesome. Thanks for sharing. That’s awesome you get to visit so much. 
      September 4, 2018 10:42 PM MDT

  • 13395
    England and Ireland,  my mother's grandmother was native Cree. 
      September 4, 2018 11:05 PM MDT

  • 1502
    Nice. Thank you for your response.
      September 5, 2018 2:05 PM MDT

  • 53696

      The Tildenites and the Grammaritans on my mother's side, the North Sandwichalonians and the Randiloonisons on my father's side.

    (Ok, admittedly more tribal than nation-related, but what can you do?)

      September 4, 2018 11:21 PM MDT

  • 6988
    Is the dog's name 'Tilde'?  My mother actually had an 'Aunt Tilda'. 
      September 5, 2018 6:29 AM MDT

  • 17081
    Mostly Ireland. One French, via Canada. One Australian aborigine, and one from parts unknown - he called himself "John Smith", 'nuff said. 
      September 4, 2018 11:33 PM MDT

  • "England" ... Durham County, Durham, England  (father's side)

          I don't know much about my mother's side.
      September 4, 2018 11:36 PM MDT

  • 6098
    England, Ireland, France, and Poland. 
      September 5, 2018 5:03 AM MDT

  • 6988
    So my father's side came from Sheffield in England. But my mother's side is from France, Ireland, England and has lots of famous folks in the tree including actor Franchot Tone,  terrorist Wolfe Tone,  some British royalty,  and a guy named John Reed, who was a steam power pioneer from the 1800s. 
      September 5, 2018 6:37 AM MDT

  • 53696

      Why did you start with the word "so"?

      September 5, 2018 7:00 AM MDT

  • 44765
    Father's side I don't know. Mother's side, the Ukraine.
      September 5, 2018 7:04 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Father's side is Poland and Russia, mother's side is Austrian.
      September 5, 2018 8:48 AM MDT