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I haven't seen the sun in three weeks. Dreary...overcast. It is very depressing. How does weather like that affect you?


Posted - November 28, 2018


  • 46117
    I have the opposite problem.

      November 28, 2018 11:27 PM MST

  • 44744
    But...there is no climate change, You know who says so.
      November 28, 2018 11:55 PM MST

  • 17039
    I'm sure the population of central Queensland would gladly trade with you.

      November 29, 2018 3:20 AM MST

  • 14795
    As long as it's warm and I don't have to wear loads of heavy cloths to keep warm I'm ok Ellie.....I don't like wearing trousers as they are so restrictive when you bend forward .....I like the sun ,but not to hot's good to be able to do manual work and not get to sweaty....
    i also don't like the really intense bright light in summer when the sun is really low in the sky and it blinds you as you drive into it mostly in late afternoons...:( 
      November 29, 2018 3:47 AM MST

  • 8274
    Like a heavy weight on my shoulders.  It is a daily battle to stay positive. I have a lamp that I sit in front of for 30 minutes a day which helps.  This summer, I made a special note of how I felt when the sun was shinning.  A reference point for the winter, something to remember.  A memory to remind myself that the way I feel when it is dreary and overcast, like now, is only temporary.  
    It's still hard to go through. 
      November 29, 2018 5:33 AM MST

  • 10052
    Good morning, MorningStar. I'm very curious about those therapy lights, mostly if they really work and are worth the investment. You say that it helps, which is encouraging to hear. Just wondering how long you've been using one and if you don't mind saying what model you have? 

    Thanks in advance for any info you can share.
      November 29, 2018 5:55 AM MST

  • 8274
    Like a heavy weight on my shoulders.  It is a daily battle to stay positive. I have a lamp that I sit in front of for 30 minutes a day which helps.  This summer, I made a special note of how I felt when the sun was shinning.  A reference point for the winter, something to remember.  A memory to remind myself that the way I feel when it is dreary and overcast, like now, is only temporary.  
    It's still hard to go through. 
      November 29, 2018 5:33 AM MST

  • 10052
    For me, I think it's more about not being able to get outside. If it's just cloudy and cold, that's one thing; if it's a rainy, muddy mess, I get pretty unhappy. 
      November 29, 2018 5:58 AM MST

  • 1713
    I love that weather, especially if it's drizzling. I find it quite relaxing. I'm light sensitive so I'd rather hide away on bright sunny days, that's kinda why I chose to work the night shift.
      November 29, 2018 6:43 AM MST

  • 23830
    I'm not alone! I'm not alone! I'm sure you know we're in the minority about loving this kind of weather!
      November 29, 2018 7:34 PM MST

  • We don’t get enough of it here for it to bother me. I appreciate when it does happen, which is not often. I live in one of the sunniest areas in the country.
      November 29, 2018 6:56 AM MST

  • 10786
    I love cloudy days (especially when it was raining or windy).  However, prolonged foggy/cloudy days (even with rain) can serve to amplify my depression, so I have to be careful.
      November 29, 2018 10:10 AM MST

  • 22891
    it dont bother nne as long as its not snowing
      November 29, 2018 10:58 AM MST

  • 628
    Hello there Element99
    We have had pretty much non-stop rain here for over a week now. Nobody is complaining much because we really needed it. With the recent fires here in California the rain is welcome. Although the fires weren't near me, the air quality has been horrible and the rain has helped clean it out. My son, who lives in Calabasas and was evacuated during the Woolsey fire is back in his home, but now he is worried about mudslides, as we are up here.
    Where I live there is 1 main road going in and out from the "city". This road will have washouts and slides during the winter, when this happens, what would ordinarily be a 10 minute drive turns into an hour detour. Last year, coming back from a ski trip, a 4 hour drive turned into a 10 + hour trip, 4 hours just trying to go the last 8 miles...
    I dont get depressed about it though.It is just too beautiful up here. When it rains the moss and ferns turn a brilliant green and it all looks and smells wonderful...

      November 29, 2018 12:06 PM MST

  • 44744
    Wow...I want to move to CA. Never a dull moment.
      November 29, 2018 6:25 PM MST

  • 17653
    No you don't.  Just no.
      November 29, 2018 7:38 PM MST

  • 628
    We aren't just about earthquakes...
      November 30, 2018 7:30 AM MST

  • 17653
    I like cloudy rainy weather......not at all depressing.  Maybe it's because water is my single most favorite thing in the world.  It's the last thing I would want to have to do without.
      November 29, 2018 6:29 PM MST

  • 23830
    I love the same kind of weather! VERY few people I know like cloudy rainy weather. And Patchouli, above. And, I think SHARONNA, if I correctly interpreted her answer.
      November 29, 2018 7:37 PM MST

  • 23830
    I thrive on cloudy, dark dreary, overcast, drizzly type of weather.

    I'm the exact opposite of most people I know -- day after day of blaring sunlight (what most people I know call "perfect" weather) and it can all drag me down and make me sad.
      November 29, 2018 7:40 PM MST

  • You just completely spoke my sentiments exactly.  
      November 30, 2018 7:41 AM MST

  • 23830

    I admit to being a bit surprised at some other answers and comments sharing a similar preference for this kind of weather!
      November 30, 2018 7:42 PM MST

  • 44744
    I stay inside most of the time in the Summer. I can't deal with the sun. Winter sun is what I like.
      November 30, 2018 8:04 AM MST

  • 23830
    Great point there, Element 99! Yes, the winter sun is much better to me, too.
      November 30, 2018 7:39 PM MST