I already can figure out this word by the context and content of the conversation.... Just wanted make sure you already knew what you know and knew that I knew you knew I know what you said....
BUT, if I didn't and you didn't already know what we do, this is how I would break it down. This is taken you had written it down and not verbalized the word. You know.
Quick Note: I have not looked up this word and am going on sheer breaking-down-a-word and drawing on your use. I'm already assuming you are using it correctly. I have NOT looked it up.
Seeing the word for a the first time, I would take the first syllable. That normally leads me into the thought behind all the "English" twang put on it. (Think playing a game of 8 Ball. ;)) "floc." Sounds like a bunch of sheep. Sheep aren't known for their brilliance. "inaucinihilipil" is a bunch a hogwash and letters that were probably used to intimate any person of sound mind to use in a word. The guy who came up with this mess of constants and the vowel, "i" was trying to dry out his feathered pen. He had obtained too much ink on the end of it and was trying to brush it off. Too many. He was trying to dry his beautiful pen to continue consistent penmanship. Fication reminds me of fiction.
In conclusion, it took my brain, looking at this word, standing alone, to say:
For all the words I used, they hold no intimidating power as to the power of sounding out the word, "floccinaucinihilipilification."
Slartibartfast could not have said it better, himself. It's a good thing he did.
Has your towel been unadulterated lately?
;) :)