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  • A man has been pushed to the ground and RAPED!https://uk.yahoo.com/news/man-40s-pushed-ground-raped-191220676.html
    Last post by BIRTH CONTROL! - May 3, 2021
    272 views 2 likes
  • Normally, I'd send this as a gift, but apparently, I can't create new gifts since the gift maker ran on Flash. lol Oh, man. Someone is seriously dropping the ball around here and i...  more
    Last post by Just Asking - May 1, 2021
    402 views 1 like
  • Should I believe what you tell me when you tell me what I should believe?
    Last post by Randy D - July 16, 2021
    168 views 1 like
  • a week over due, two days of back labor, and 40 mins of pushing he is finally here 
    Last post by Slartibartfast - May 4, 2021
    744 views 5 likes
  • ~
    Last post by . - May 4, 2021
    460 views 1 like
  • After a brief tenure here, I am leaving.  However, I wanted to explain why I am leaving before I go.Twice already I have been warned for calling out individuals on the hypocri...  more
    Last post by kjames - May 4, 2021
    1,081 views 3 likes
  • Last post by Kidddas53 - January 22, 2021
    313 views 5 likes
  • You have given this country a reason to be hopeful that we can overcome the disastrous administration of the Turd-in-Chief and his Miserable Minions.  I promise to buy more pe...  more
    Last post by rusureamisure? - January 8, 2021
    323 views 2 likes
  • https://youtu.be/u5ZP_HpBKos
    Last post by my2cents - December 30, 2020
    231 views 0 likes
  • Last post by Jenny Tulls - May 4, 2021
    235 views 2 likes
  • Last post by Jenny Tulls - May 4, 2021
    286 views 2 likes
  • The Meaning Behind Six Objects on Día de los Muertos Altars
    From marigolds to sugar skulls, the traditional Mexican holiday is full of symbolsAltars are an important aspect ...  more
    Last post by Nanoose - October 31, 2020
    576 views 1 like
  • Thank you, Johnny Nash, for bettering my life in countless ways. No one has musically impacted me quite like you.Whether singing your own compositions or singing others' works, all...  more
    Last post by WelbyQuentin - November 29, 2020
    315 views 2 likes