Or is it random and quirky and idiosyncratic and whimsical and unpredictable and and and simply a function of what the gun folks can afford? Inquiring minds WANNA KNOW! "_
What's to stop them from hiring people to massacre others just so their sales rise dramatically overnight? A proven source of increased income. Dependable Predictable. Endlessly repeatable.
Apparently a Canadian ad agency did this for a Porsche dealership some years ago, and the campaign is often hailed as a success in the marketing world because a lot of people went ... moreApparently a Canadian ad agency did this for a Porsche dealership some years ago, and the campaign is often hailed as a success in the marketing world because a lot of people went to the website listed on the card. In marketing, mailers almost always get under 10% response rate- some hover between 2-5%, and this campaign got 32%.But, to me, the idea seems really intrusive, and would be a guarantee that I'd never do business with the company. I might check the website to see who the heck was at my house (which for their statistical purposes counts as a response), but I'd be really put off by the company. The advertising agency says not one person called to complain. How do you think you'd respond to an ad like that?https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2012/07/31/toronto_area_porsche_dealership_parks_car_near_driveways_of_affluent_homes_in_instant_direct_marketing.html less
Would you fire an employee whose work was of excellent quality/quantity but who disagreed with you politically? If so what would you have gained by doing so? What would you have lost?
That way you identify the potential customer in advance and simply don't sell your products to anyone of whom you disapprove. You keep your sensibilities/sensitivities/beliefs inta... moreThat way you identify the potential customer in advance and simply don't sell your products to anyone of whom you disapprove. You keep your sensibilities/sensitivities/beliefs intact and don't sell your soul to make money. It would be a rather unwieldy system and cost a lot and take a lot of time but y'all would be comforted in the knowledge that those whom you hate would NEVER have access to anything you make. Problem solved?
It seems to me if you are in business your goal is to sell as many of what you make to potential customers as you can. You don't ask them to fill out forms giving you any personal ... moreIt seems to me if you are in business your goal is to sell as many of what you make to potential customers as you can. You don't ask them to fill out forms giving you any personal information like whom they love or what kind of lifestyle they live. It's none of your business to begin with and what does it matter?