*Pass away1. VW2. PS3. They'll both go at the same moment4. Neither one; they'll both go on forever5. They're both still alive?6. He's still alive?7. She's still alive?... more*Pass away1. VW2. PS3. They'll both go at the same moment4. Neither one; they'll both go on forever5. They're both still alive?6. He's still alive?7. She's still alive?8. Let's flip a coin. 9. None of the above. ~
If you do, What is the answer they give for this question? "Will you wear a black unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liner as clothing and model it and give your opinion ... moreIf you do, What is the answer they give for this question? "Will you wear a black unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liner as clothing and model it and give your opinion on it?"Thanks