I personally don't "give a damn", I still cook traditional foods I learned to prepare when I was a child. I eat eggs, bacon, salami, butter, whipping cream, ice cream, lots of home... moreI personally don't "give a damn", I still cook traditional foods I learned to prepare when I was a child. I eat eggs, bacon, salami, butter, whipping cream, ice cream, lots of home-made bread, potatoes, bake cakes and cookies, and have a vodka or whiskey every day to wash it all down. Not to mention red wine...I can afford it because I have a healthy immune system and a very good functioning heart. Doctors over the years prescribed medicine I never took ( I am just on a little water tablet - age related ). Cholesterol panel is excellent, osteoarthrosis keeps itself within its borders - - and I still feel like 28 rather than 82. I am pretty sure that comments are coming in where I can say more about all of this. Can I say: Prosit ( Latin for: may it be good for you!) ?? less
If that doesn't provide a clear-cut exposé of the full range of varieties in the lowest common denominator in human personalities, I'll bet nothing would.*I never eat... more If that doesn't provide a clear-cut exposé of the full range of varieties in the lowest common denominator in human personalities, I'll bet nothing would.*I never eat any of those samples, I don't even approach those displays. I avoid them like the plague. ~