GBS once said that Britain and America were two nations separated by a common language. I've listened to a few audio books recently recorded -- nay, performed -- by the mega-talent... moreGBS once said that Britain and America were two nations separated by a common language. I've listened to a few audio books recently recorded -- nay, performed -- by the mega-talented Susan Ericson and quite a few differences come up.One that stands out is thorough which she pronounces thurrow but we in Oz pronounce thurrah. Then there's the well-known limerick about the young lady from Boston Mass simply doesn't work with British pronunication. Can you think of a few words that have different pronunciation (or meaning) in British and American English? less
In Mexican Spanish, what is the colloquial term for people from Michoacán? For instance, people from Mexico City are called Chilangos, Guadalajarans are called Ta... moreIn Mexican Spanish, what is the colloquial term for people from Michoacán? For instance, people from Mexico City are called Chilangos, Guadalajarans are called Tapatíos, etc.
Gracias de antemano. ~
The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for ONLY 171,476 words in current use…is that really enough for our profound conversation... moreThe Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for ONLY 171,476 words in current use…is that really enough for our profound conversations here on aMug?
BRANNIGAN – a drinking bout, spree, or binge…
HODDYPEAK – a fool, simpleton, or blockhead (NEVER needed on aMug, of course!)
PERISSOLOGY – use of more words than necessary (no one does that here, naturally…‘specially not me)
KENCH – to laugh loudly (Oh, we can expand the nuance of LOL and LMAO)
JOLLUX – in the 1700’s, this word meant a fat person
BRABBLE – to quarrel about trifles; esp. to quarrel noisily, brawl, squabble
FRECK – to move swiftly or nimbly; as “I hate it when I am frecking through the airport and the lines are so slow.” (Might be fun to see if it is possible to brabble and freck at the same time...)
So your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to use one of these obsolete words (or another of your own cho... less
In my imagination I can be a world-class opera star or great actress or terrific athlete. In real life I am none of those things. Real life is based on that which is not IMAGINED. ... moreIn my imagination I can be a world-class opera star or great actress or terrific athlete. In real life I am none of those things. Real life is based on that which is not IMAGINED. Imagination takes you to other places you could never access by any other means. So does creativity. Now there are certainly times when creativity exists in the real world. There are times when that which was IMAGINED becomes true and real and exists as well. But if it doesn't..if what you IMAGINE can only exist in that other place it is NEVER fake. To me. Now what other people think imagination is may be something entirely different. I cannot think like other people. I can only think like me. I don't know if that's good or not so hot but it is what is. SIGH less
Inspired both by the following question and by my answer to it: