We know Lawyers and Bankers and Wall Street Brokers and Oil Company Execs and Cigarette Company Execs etcetera etcetera etcetera are out for the big bucks. But there are honest peo... moreWe know Lawyers and Bankers and Wall Street Brokers and Oil Company Execs and Cigarette Company Execs etcetera etcetera etcetera are out for the big bucks. But there are honest people out there and they need to have jobs to support themselves and their families. What jobs suit them best? Why?
I am constantly having people coming up to me thinking they know me, when we've never met. This happens on an average of twice a month. In the last year and a half, I've had ... moreI am constantly having people coming up to me thinking they know me, when we've never met. This happens on an average of twice a month. In the last year and a half, I've had 4 or 5 people ask me if I ever stayed at the women's mission. When I tell them I haven't they then say I look just like someone that either stayed there or worked there, I've heard both. I guess I must have a twin or two out there....