Please select as many as apply. A. To provide their expertise on the topic. B. To provide their their opinions on the topic.C. To complain.
D. To make fun of me. E. ... morePlease select as many as apply. A. To provide their expertise on the topic. B. To provide their their opinions on the topic.C. To complain.
D. To make fun of me. E. To joke around with me. F. To point out the fallacies in my logic. G. To flatter me. H. To pay homage to my above-average intelligence while worshipping the wonderfulness and humility that I represent.I. To uplift themselvesJ. To earn points. K. To aggravate me.L. To humor me. M. To provide thoughtful commentary and heart-felt insight. N. I post questions on here?O. I don't even know.P. None of the above/other. ~ less