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Randy D
  • Christian Bible.
    Last post by texasescimo - July 4, 2016
    77 views 0 likes
  • But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Gal 5:22
    Last post by texasescimo - July 4, 2016
    618 views 1 like
  • Jesus said "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account in the day of' Judgement" Matthew 12:36. "He that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words, hath one that j...  more
    Last post by carazaa - July 4, 2016
    921 views 0 likes
  •  For all those things My hand has made,And all those things exist,”Says the Lord.“But on this one will I look:On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit,And who trembles at My wor...  more
    Last post by Underconstruction - July 2, 2016
    624 views 0 likes
  • Bulgarian Commission Penalizes Religious Discrimination
    The Bulgarian SKAT TV station and two of its journalists are ordered to pay a heavier-than-usual fine for broadcasts that in...  more
    Last post by carazaa - July 1, 2016
    383 views 0 likes
  • Matthew 7:21-23 ...'Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say ...  more
    Last post by texasescimo - August 28, 2016
    773 views 0 likes
  • #GodRocks
    Last post by Pearl - July 3, 2016
    64 views 0 likes
  • Beliefs.
    Last post by texasescimo - June 29, 2016
    81 views 0 likes
  • Some pro gun advocates have been posting signs thanking god for having guns.

    Isn´t it all powerful and supposed to be protecting his people from harm ?

    Why do pro gun advocates f...  more
    Last post by texasescimo - September 11, 2016
    293 views 0 likes
  • ○●○
    Since God can see us shouldn't we be able as well to see Him and the angels fluttering around us?
    Last post by Kittigate - June 30, 2016
    162 views 0 likes
  • .
    Last post by Pearl - July 2, 2016
    265 views 0 likes
  • As far as I have been able to research it does not, all the angels I have seen mentioned are male.
    The angels that came down to earth and begat the Nephelim on human women must hav...  more
    Last post by AdamAPAD - June 26, 2016
    412 views 0 likes
  • Is Britain Leaving the European Union written in the Bible?
    Last post by Durdle - May 31, 2019
    597 views 1 like
  • Is it possible?
    Last post by Durdle - May 31, 2019
    702 views 0 likes