Inspired by this question that was posted by another member: more
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member:
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member (and may very well have been the cause of my most recent pregnancy scare): more
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member (and may very well have been the cause of my most recent pregnancy scare):
I am hoping that any offensive or thoroughly obnoxious responses will be penned with such fine literary style and flourish, and a joy to read, that I will have no option but to exc... moreI am hoping that any offensive or thoroughly obnoxious responses will be penned with such fine literary style and flourish, and a joy to read, that I will have no option but to excuse the writer his (or her) arrogant rudeness (if that's what it is). But I earnestly solicit a thoughtful, instructive response - in which my name is not mentioned. Thank you.
I think maybe I have. I joined AnswerBag back in 2013. I was 21. I've been with this site and its successor ever since. But I'm just not seeing much reason to come here anymore. Ra... moreI think maybe I have. I joined AnswerBag back in 2013. I was 21. I've been with this site and its successor ever since. But I'm just not seeing much reason to come here anymore. Rarely do I see anything I want to respond to. And when I do there are so few people on there's little opportunity for quality interaction. I don't think this place is going to get more interesting or more active, given the state of old-school "forum/Q&A" sites. A number of users I used to enjoy interacting with have all but disappeared and there are so few left. We all know each other's opinions and there isn't much opportunity for interesting discussion or learning anymore. Seems stuck in a rut. I'm not blaming any specific users, but there doesn't seem to be much of anything here for me anymore. less