Getting money from the source of your displeasure would certainly mitigate the indignity of having to listen to them. Money goes a long way to soothing folks. Sometimes enough mone... moreGetting money from the source of your displeasure would certainly mitigate the indignity of having to listen to them. Money goes a long way to soothing folks. Sometimes enough money can make it all better. Get rich quick. Of course it's a two-way street. Anytime you say anything anywhere that displeases anyone at any time you are likewise billed for it.
Our troops don't die for the flag. They fight and die for what the flag represents. Among those things is THE CONSTITUTION. They fight and die to preserve our rights. Not for a pie... moreOur troops don't die for the flag. They fight and die for what the flag represents. Among those things is THE CONSTITUTION. They fight and die to preserve our rights. Not for a piece of cloth. Why are some folks so insistent that symbols matter more than human beings?