Always instructing and guiding and moralizing as if he were above the fray looking down on mere mortals and telling them how to live decent moral lives and be good role models for ... moreAlways instructing and guiding and moralizing as if he were above the fray looking down on mere mortals and telling them how to live decent moral lives and be good role models for their children. How dare he? Does he not know how morally reprehensible he is/was/will always be? How did he reconcile what he is with what he said? No conscience?
These specific sexual assaulters are all old, unattractive, wealthy and disgusting. Are men better behaved today/do women take less crap/or are things exactly the same and th... moreThese specific sexual assaulters are all old, unattractive, wealthy and disgusting. Are men better behaved today/do women take less crap/or are things exactly the same and there are more randy old goats out there assaulting women and paying them off to keep them quiet? Have women progressed a lot since then or are they still the same?
Believe only the sources that show your side is "right" and everything else is manufactured alternative facts fake news just to make you look bad. That should be an inborn re... moreBelieve only the sources that show your side is "right" and everything else is manufactured alternative facts fake news just to make you look bad. That should be an inborn reflex. That way you don't have to do the very hard job of thinking, analyzing, investigating. You can wear your rose-colored glasses 24/7 and your world is beautiful beautiful beautiful. Are people born wearing rose-colored glasses or are they implanted at a certain age?
Long ago and far away in another time and place I knew someone who was a CPA and bragged about all the illegal things he did and got away with doing. For example he was loaded and ... moreLong ago and far away in another time and place I knew someone who was a CPA and bragged about all the illegal things he did and got away with doing. For example he was loaded and yet finagled a scholarship for his kid by filling out forms understating his income substantially. A lousy example for his children, one of whom despised him! If you cheat why would you brag about it to your kids? Would you? What kind of role model is THAT?
Of course they can pretend they are your friend. If you are very naive and gullible as well as arrogant you might actually believe you pulled it off. Beware of being too confident.