It is said that "beauty is its own excuse for being". Is that true of talent too? Do you ignore/forgive the very talented for being despicable if that particular shoe fits? Why ?
At the garden centre today, I not only had trouble in the car park, because a large car came round the corner and expected ME to back up all the way down a row of parked cars ... moreAt the garden centre today, I not only had trouble in the car park, because a large car came round the corner and expected ME to back up all the way down a row of parked cars when he could easily have just reversed back round the corner he came from... grr but then as if that wasn't bad enough.... someone stole my trolley/cart! I had some bathbombs in it for my daughter... and I only left the cart on the corner of an isle because THEY were in the way down the next isle and I wanted to compare prices for soil... I got to the end of the row.. went back to where I'd left the trolley ... and it was gone! When I looked THEY Had a cart just like the one I had and they were making their way to the checkout.. I said excuse me I think you may have my trolley... they denied it... but it WAS mine because they didn't have a trolley when I saw them and all of a sudden they DID and it was the same as MINE... AND they had taken my daughter's bathbombs out and left them on the side :( What a cheek!! They k... less
Pol Pot (1925-1998) 1975 to 1979. 1.5 million Cambodians out of a total population of 7 to 8 million died of starvation, execution, disease or overwork
Bashar al Assad ... morePol Pot (1925-1998) 1975 to 1979. 1.5 million Cambodians out of a total population of 7 to 8 million died of starvation, execution, disease or overwork
Bashar al Assad (2000 - Present) President of Syria. A UK trained & educated Doctor and son of the late Syrian president. Assumed the reigns as a reformer but quickly became a Russian puppet. Is known for using chemical attacks against his populations and sponsoring terroris (?) Approximately 450, 000 have died during his tenure. less
Do youo have a SURE way to tell you are being lied to AS IT IS HAPPENING? Any method you have discovered to protect yourself from scalawags/charlatons/snake-oil sellers?