Allegedly apparently purportedly supposedly the actual plot by putin the former head of KGB Russian to bounty the heads of American troops was known in March 2019! Yes. That's corr... moreAllegedly apparently purportedly supposedly the actual plot by putin the former head of KGB Russian to bounty the heads of American troops was known in March 2019! Yes. That's correct. 2019. All who should have been apprised WERE. Way back then.See? I told you so. More knowledge more sorrow.The more we dig the more sh** we find the more scum we uncover the more horror we are drowning in.The result of researching investigating digging digging digging is that you find a lot more vile than you could have imagined.What the he**! So what? Right? Who cares? There are 200 conservatives judges that have been appointed to the bench. Who could ask for anything more? Be happy. Don't worry. All is right with YOUR world y'all. Isn't it? less
Well we know daddy dearest purchased a doctor who wrote the fake bonespur excuse.We think daddy dearest purchased a degree at Wharton since there is no evidence of trump having lea... moreWell we know daddy dearest purchased a doctor who wrote the fake bonespur excuse.We think daddy dearest purchased a degree at Wharton since there is no evidence of trump having learned or knowing anythingWhy can't the person administering the IQ test be bought? Everyone has a price we are told. Daddy dearest certainly had the money. It's possible which would make sense since the trump certainly has never shown any particular brilliance or genius or common sense or reason or logic or substance or or or.I know. He tells us he is a wise extremely stable genius.Where is the evidence? Where is the proof? What has he done to show us? less
Ordered cops/military to teargas peaceful protesters, rubber bullet them, beat them. On camera. In front of the worldAlso allegedly knew about the putin payment of bounties to Tali... moreOrdered cops/military to teargas peaceful protesters, rubber bullet them, beat them. On camera. In front of the worldAlso allegedly knew about the putin payment of bounties to Taliban/Afghan militants to kill Americans and Brits.IN MARCH. And so far disavows all knowledge of it. "I didn't know. No one told me".Now if you can believe a man who micromanages everything all the time and sticks his nose in places it doesn't belong NOT KNOWING then well sigh. OK.Which means he is not in charge or in control or making decisions. Others are doing it for him hoping he doesn't notice.Anyway we're screwed. less
Same thing today with the current "head".Vis a vis the Russians (PUTIN) paying bounties to militants to kill American troops(and British troops too)Which was known way back in Marc... moreSame thing today with the current "head".Vis a vis the Russians (PUTIN) paying bounties to militants to kill American troops(and British troops too)Which was known way back in March and many meetings took place and British Intelligence was informed and the military topguns were in meetings with the whitehouse/gubment Intelligence Agencies.Now staff say "the president was kept out of that loop entirely because it didn't rise to level of credibility"or they were scared how he would take it so they kept it from himor he is up to it to his eyebrows and doesn't care about the troops at all since his loyalty is strictly with all things putin. less
Here's what we gotPandemic ongoing and acceleratingPolice BrutalityRacismEconomyUnemploymentPotential loss of health insurance for 20-23 million AmericansConcerted effort to sabota... moreHere's what we gotPandemic ongoing and acceleratingPolice BrutalityRacismEconomyUnemploymentPotential loss of health insurance for 20-23 million AmericansConcerted effort to sabotage the post office and cripple it to affect an electionFraudulent assertions that voting by mail is fraudulentCelebration of racist heritage and publicizing all racist incidents via tweets of a twit on Twitter...guess the twitPromulgation of division among citizens in the country by use of force and harm doneRussia paying for killing of Americans which the "head" knows or doesn't knowI probably have forgotten something but can anyone juggle 11 plates at all for even a moment? It's exhausting trying isn't it? less
Or would there be requirements of an employee vis a vs performance in the job, deportment, dependability, honesty and have the ability to work well with others?You don't just hire ... moreOr would there be requirements of an employee vis a vs performance in the job, deportment, dependability, honesty and have the ability to work well with others?You don't just hire and then whatever happens happens. Right?I just wonder why pols are treated differently? Any idea?
Your country's leader is in collusion with its worst enemy and always defers to him in all thingsORYour country's leader is ignorant and doesn't have a clue what is going on anywhe... moreYour country's leader is in collusion with its worst enemy and always defers to him in all thingsORYour country's leader is ignorant and doesn't have a clue what is going on anywhereI know neither one is particularly great but which do you choose if you could choose and why?
Because they were given the party line playbook to put out. What to say how to say it and what not to say and how best to deflect divert change the subject.Had Democrats been invit... moreBecause they were given the party line playbook to put out. What to say how to say it and what not to say and how best to deflect divert change the subject.Had Democrats been invited to attend that briefing it would not have been possible.So I totally understand. Some things like dirty laundry are best kept from "outsiders". Let the family deal with it. I get it.
I wonder what thing he would have to do or not to that would drive all Americans away from him? I guess his base is his base no matter what he does whom he is what he says. I wonde... moreI wonder what thing he would have to do or not to that would drive all Americans away from him? I guess his base is his base no matter what he does whom he is what he says. I wonder why that is?We are told he knew in March and was briefed on it. Did nothing said nothing continued on with a putin friendship he is so proud of.His staff says he was never made aware of it. Had no knowledge of it. Was completely ignorant about it. Was never in any of the numerous meetings held to discuss how to handle it or what to do about.Staff said it never reached the level of credibility to bother with it.There is also the fact that staff doesn't tell him things that will upset him since he is wont to EXPLODE at them. He doesn't not like to hear news he doesn't like to hear.Don't test and we won't have virus cases. No tests no cases. Like that. less