Test babygirl trump, roycohnbarr, fake prodon honest antidon kellyanne conway for the BIGS? Or let them alone and they will come home wagging their tails behind them?
Or is that just part of their operating expense?If Rupert Murdoch ORDERED all the spokesmouths on FAUX (whose sales pitches always talk up the HOAX) to TELL THE TRUTH OR THEY WOULD... moreOr is that just part of their operating expense?If Rupert Murdoch ORDERED all the spokesmouths on FAUX (whose sales pitches always talk up the HOAX) to TELL THE TRUTH OR THEY WOULD BE FIRED what would happen? Would the sean of hannity leave?Imagine a FAUX news where only truth were heard 24/7? You can't do it can you?How many lives would be saved if only truth were what you'd get when you tuned in to FAIX? That question is unanswerable. Why ask it? Why worry all those pretty little empty heads who all think what sean tells them to think every day in every way and they do? Upset the applecart with TRUTH? Surely Shirley you're joking! less
Dr. Fauci rips off the mask of lies the HOAX keeps telling 24/7 and so far he is still alive figuratively. When will the HOAX blow up at him and "get rid of him"?
Should you get tested BEFORE symptoms show up? Or d'ya like the possibility of infecting others? Misery loves company and by golly you got this you're gonna share everywhere you ca... moreShould you get tested BEFORE symptoms show up? Or d'ya like the possibility of infecting others? Misery loves company and by golly you got this you're gonna share everywhere you can. Smart. Wise. Genius.
Y'all know everything is the fault of Democrats Hillary Nancy President Obama deep throat deep state all HOAX dislikers all people of color all women all immigrants. HOAX is never ... moreY'all know everything is the fault of Democrats Hillary Nancy President Obama deep throat deep state all HOAX dislikers all people of color all women all immigrants. HOAX is never responsible for any that goes wrong and is the source the creator the GOD of everything that goes right. It is given.He'l be blaming and blaming and blaming and y'all will keep believing and supporting and defending and protecting. Symbiosis. Parasite and host. A perfect blend of needy and needers. Switch places do si do and away we go. Don'tcha know?Each would be lost without the other. Bound for eternity in that unhealthy balance of desperation and fear and hate and need and greed. Paranoid schizoid ovoid devoid avoid koi noid yoyoid. less
The HOAX is askeered of being tested. Will that fear envelope others around him such that he will not allow any of them to be tested because that will show disloyalty to him? Remem... moreThe HOAX is askeered of being tested. Will that fear envelope others around him such that he will not allow any of them to be tested because that will show disloyalty to him? Remember HOAX comes first last and always forever always forever always forever.
That's HUGE news to lotsa folks who insisted the flu is worse and nobody overreacts to that.Right. COVID 19 has a mortality rate TEN TIMES THAT OF THE FLUPer those who know. Of cou... moreThat's HUGE news to lotsa folks who insisted the flu is worse and nobody overreacts to that.Right. COVID 19 has a mortality rate TEN TIMES THAT OF THE FLUPer those who know. Of course what the he** do THEY know right? What the he** do they know?
AT this LATE STAGE we are still behind the 8 ball due to the refusal of the screwball in the WH who didn't want big numbes. Well DON'T TEST right? His solution to a real problem of... moreAT this LATE STAGE we are still behind the 8 ball due to the refusal of the screwball in the WH who didn't want big numbes. Well DON'T TEST right? His solution to a real problem of OPTICS and his POLITICS. So people die? So what? The most important thing is for the HOAX to be re-elected and so whatever it takes to do he will. IGNORANCE and LIES will grease the way to his success. IGNORANCE AND LIES AND COLD CRUEL SELF-INTEREST.Nothing will make HOAX change. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.The HOAX responds to everything with himself in mind and his best interests. Keeping people IGNORANT serves him so well. What the he**! Do ya blame the guy? less
Hoax didn't want testing to go forward because he didn't want the numbers to go up.Now you can relate to that right? Just don't do what you know will make you look like the a**hole... moreHoax didn't want testing to go forward because he didn't want the numbers to go up.Now you can relate to that right? Just don't do what you know will make you look like the a**hole you are. Everyone says so. That I can tell you. So now the chief a**hole has to act. His gawdawful speech EXACERBATED the problem. He spreads stupid dumb around like manure.