[Please don’t try to wiggle out of this one by claiming you don’t have any. That’s a quirk in itself. Grrrrrrrrrr. ~]
Your quirks? What makes you think I know all of your quirks?
Playing hard to get certainly intrigues me the most.
“Your Honor, we would like to produce a surprise witness at this time, a gentleman who will testify as to the character, or lack thereof, of this person who claims to be “Canadian Jaimie” . . . by coincidence, he just happens to be your nephew, your favorite nephew at that, but we rely on your integrity and professionalism to keep you from allowing that to sway your decision-making in any way. (Cough, cough.)”
Fake endearingness.
Just checking to be on the safe side: you’re not sorry about either one of those, right? Grrrrr.