Not so sure about that my friend... if it's who I think you mean.. there are some pretty strong doubts there about the person's nationality.. but yes, while I personally have never heard anyone here say a good word about him... there must be someone, somewhere... I will keep looking.
some of them do...some don' sure some can form an opinion on their own. I mean we have people right here that thought Hillary was an awesome matter what she did.....because that's what they were told. They couldn't give you a reason why...they could just tell you she was a woman...that stuff worked with voting for Obama with a lot of people with the whole make history sh!t.....but didn't pan out with Hillary. She may have gotten a few more votes had she tried to run on first lesbian surprised she didn't...whether she is or not..but I doubt even that would have gotten her elected.
This post was edited by maggie at April 1, 2018 10:28 AM MDT
I too thought Hillary was the best candidat. She have a good reputation as a serious politician, and someone who it good at generating compromizes that are acceptable to all.
Alas that kind of politicians are not regarded highly in the US these days. You have to be totally on one side or else totally on the other side. It is my way or the highway, people who seek compromize are seen as traitors. It is all very sad
Well to be fair Python was relatively funny.. Trump isn't... if we laugh at all it's at how incredibly stupid he is.. it's a wonder he can tie his own shoe laces, let alone run a country.
I don't know about the Brits but I kinda like the guy. He's an individual that's not part of the "establishment" that's found inside the political scene. And because he's not part of that establishment (business as usual), he's hated on with a passion by some folks.
This post was edited by rusureamisure? at April 12, 2018 7:10 PM MDT
apparently according the video a lot of them do like him...not what the media would like for you to think.
This post was edited by maggie at April 12, 2018 7:10 PM MDT
Yup, good ole liberal media. At least they're consistent in their inconsistency in reporting the truth. :) I get to thinking and ask myself the question...Just how many people really do hate President Trump? Do they genuinely hate him or is it hype and parroting what others are saying, just to fit in. I say this because hate is a very strong word and if some people who say they hate Trump as much as they claim, then, in my opinion, they have a definite problem. Be it mental or otherwise. Just my opinion as always. :)
maggie and rusure.... actually here on the ground people do hate him... I hate him more than most, most just totally dismiss him and think he is a dumb idiot who really shouldn't have been voted in anywhere ever.. We are still puzzled about why or how it happened... there are a number of theories...
alot don't like our president...but not as many as the media would like for you to think. and we all know the guardian doesn't like him...
This post was edited by maggie at April 12, 2018 7:11 PM MDT
I do too...that's why I don't watch much news on tv and look around elsewhere from several different sources. fox is getting liberal like the others...glad they got rid of megan Kelly or whatever her name was.,,,glennn beck got on my nerves...I couldn't handle watching him when he was on either.. .
Actually sorry, we dislike him immensely and are still incredulous that you guys did it! If you had the benefit, as we do, of seeing all the media, news, radio, tv and the benfit of being able to ask people you would know it's not hype. I know it causes discomfort but that IS the truth
These people are Muppets, this is propaganda to install racism, our politicians have made this country what it is when it sold us out to the EU, and the Queen committed treason by breaking her vow to protect this nation as a Sovereign country, and handed us over to Brussels, our focus should be on ALL politicians and the people behind them, Trump is no different to our politicians he is a puppet one of many but the same people pull the strings.
The reason why people wanted Brexit was much more in depth and important than simply racism, it was a sell out of our country, our trade, and our Sovereignty.
How true is that....All politicians are puppets....not Blair though....he's defiantly a muppet .... I don't know anyone in England that had a good word to say about Trump...:(
I have not managed to find any reliable source to back up the claim that there were 30,000. I suspect there may be one too many zeroes there.
But I think George W Bush was more hated in Britain (at the time he was in office) than Donald Trump is now. I don't think Trump has many supporters over here - we are suspicious of demagogues - but I think the majority view is, let's judge him by results.
This post was edited by Reverend Muhammadovsky at April 2, 2018 2:50 AM MDT