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Are the political questions here getting more absurd by the minute?

Posted - June 25, 2018


  • 19942
    No more so than the silly/stupid ones.
      June 25, 2018 7:28 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I've not noticed that but then again I haven't really been around much the last few days.. 
      June 25, 2018 9:35 AM MDT

  • 2706
    Many of them are getting, not only more absurd, but more hateful, spiteful, and out of touch with reality. As always, just my opinion. :)
      June 25, 2018 10:39 AM MDT

  • 17490
    You are correct
      June 25, 2018 9:24 PM MDT

  • 13071
    Sadly that seems to be the case. 
      June 30, 2018 4:13 PM MDT

  • 5835
    No, they are uniformly absurd.
      June 25, 2018 11:50 AM MDT

  • "They are containing more capital letters and asterisks as time goes on,
                but that's more about "obscene" than "absurd."
      June 25, 2018 12:01 PM MDT

  • 22891
      June 25, 2018 4:19 PM MDT

  • 1438
    they are always been there 
      June 25, 2018 4:20 PM MDT

  • 23177
    He sums me up, I guess

    and he can come over anytime!
      June 25, 2018 7:16 PM MDT

  • 10053
    He's one of my faves. So cute!!!

    Why don't you let me have him and you take one of his younger brothers? They're pretty cute, too. 
      June 25, 2018 8:03 PM MDT

  • 23177
    I'm so out of it, I don't even know who this guy is or his brothers!
    :) But your plan would probably be OK with me, ha!
      June 26, 2018 8:49 AM MDT

  • 10053
    I definitely deserve him! You don't even know who he is!! 

    It's James Franco!! Here he is with his brothers: Nice looking family! 

      June 26, 2018 7:15 PM MDT

  • 23177
    That's JAMES FRANCO?! Ha!
    I'm such an idiot! Ha! Didn't click at all! You're right, you definitely deserve him -- his brothers and I will get together!
    Thanks for adding a picture! And, yes, a nice-looking family!
      June 26, 2018 10:53 PM MDT

  • 10053
      June 27, 2018 7:53 PM MDT

  • 2658
    Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent, scurrilous, wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country - and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians. -Charles Krauthammer   (RIP)
      June 25, 2018 9:00 PM MDT

  • 10655
    Absurd political times call for absurd political questions. Cheers!
      June 26, 2018 9:20 AM MDT

  • 7280
    Not particularly, but I do find some of the answers absurd---(arousing amusement or derision; ridiculous). 

    I remember when we kids had to give oral book reports.  Some kids tried to wing it even though they had never read the book itself or even the Cliff notes.

    Like Trump, some people have no shame.
      June 26, 2018 7:54 PM MDT

  • 53042

      Nope.  They started out that way and have maintained their level of absurdity to this day. (Of course, I'm not including the fake "questions" that are really just agenda-pushing statements in disguise.)

      June 26, 2018 8:57 PM MDT

  • Perhaps a more accurate word, would  be bizarre. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at June 30, 2018 4:14 PM MDT
      June 28, 2018 7:51 PM MDT

  • 53042

      (No comma and no double-spacing within a sentence.)
      June 28, 2018 8:53 PM MDT

  • Too bad, it's my sentence, and I'm  sticking, with it, Never, let a comma,  or a run on sentence, get in the way of,  a good story 
      June 30, 2018 5:42 PM MDT

  • 13395
    "People are taking their comedians seriously and their politicians as the jokers"

    -I ferget who said that.
      June 28, 2018 9:55 PM MDT