*After exercising, I went to the locker room at my workplace to shower, change into my clothes and go to work. When I discovered that I had no clean undies, I was faced with some choices.
1 Put back on the same set of dirty, stinky, sweaty, wet workout clothes that I had just taken off, then drive to the nearest store to buy underwear, go back to the locker room, shower, change clothes, and be about 45 minutes to an hour late for work. (There are no stores nearby my worksite that sell clothing.)
2 Put back on the same set of dirty, stinky, sweaty, wet workout clothes that I had just taken off, then drive home, shower, change clothes, drive back to work and be about an hour and a half late for work.
3 Shower, put back on the same pair of dirty, stinky, sweaty, wet underwear that I had just taken off, then put on my work attire over it and go to work. I'd be on time for work, but I might stink all day.
4 Shower, go commando [ewwwww], put on my work attire and go to work. I'd be on time for work, but I might be uncomfortable all day. I'm not accustomed to going commando.
I choseCurtain NumberFour. I hated everyminuteof it; Iwasdanglingalloverthe place, floppingfromlefttorightalldaylong, andIhadanxietythateveryone who saw me knew what was loose down south.
That's the set-up, and here's the question: Have you ever ever had to go against type, either going commando when you're not accustomed to it, or having to wear underwear when you usually go commando?~