Was a youngish guy living in the same building as me who was making a bit of extra income getting free stuff from Craigslist then selling it. Sort of suddenly he quit selling the stuff and began hoarding, stuff piled floor to ceiling. Management became aware and demanded he clean out because of fire hazard. He did not comply and soon enough was a bailiff seazure come to take care of things.
I'm saving all my books and homework for one of my daughters whom I haven't seen for too long. I know she will appreciate them and use them. She loves to study and read. I'm saving cloth for an ongoing project I plan on resuming next year. Besides those things there isn't much else except shoes which I'll have to give most away, not because I want to. : (
Now that you mention it, I do have a few extra things I could donate. Thanks for giving me something to do over the Christmas holiday. Yay....work. : ( hahahaha