Noble gases can be made to react under certain conditions - even helium. Extreme pressure and temperature close to absolute zero is required for He to form clathrates.
I wish I would have had you as a science teacher. You must have been really good and made science fun. I wonder if you inspired any of your kids enough to continue a career in science? You'd be surprised as to what a difference you make on an individual without even knowing it. I mean this in the truest and good sense. ;) ;)
Really? ... I read this two times to make sure I read it correctly the first time. I have always had a curious intrigue for these peculiar creatures. I was under the impression they were "smart." Actually, now that I think about it, he is. She wouldn't be able to spread any rumors. If she wasn't satisified, it wasn't his fault. Smart! Smart Indeed.
Every human being has 'eye mites'. Zillions of tiny spidery looking things that give off a yellow waste product in your eyes every morning. Creepy crawlers crapping in your eyes. They drink your tears but also help to move dust particles out. Hey! Thanx eye mites!