Older people getting bashed on by ignorant extroverts who have no respect for sanctity of mind just ramble on in unnerving ways making an introvert feel like he is useless in this ... moreOlder people getting bashed on by ignorant extroverts who have no respect for sanctity of mind just ramble on in unnerving ways making an introvert feel like he is useless in this world. It is being such a shame that the quiet intellectual thinkers from the 60's and 70's feel empty souled compare to know it alls that ramble on insuring no spirituality of being justly understanding.
The mirror is telling me lies. So are the scales. I'm certain that publishers are printing in ever smaller fonts just to spite me, and I'm considering changing my name to Rice Kris... moreThe mirror is telling me lies. So are the scales. I'm certain that publishers are printing in ever smaller fonts just to spite me, and I'm considering changing my name to Rice Krispies because every time I move I go snap, crackle and pop.I'm not even a Boomer, I'm Gen X!