Especially in this day and age of metoo, political correctness, cancel culture, woke culture, etc. Even if and when meant in a truly innocuous way, it still can be construed o... moreEspecially in this day and age of metoo, political correctness, cancel culture, woke culture, etc. Even if and when meant in a truly innocuous way, it still can be construed or misconstrued in wholly negative ways.~
What are some other place names (NOT merely terrain features nor geographical definitions) anywhere worldwide and in any language that include preposition words?No businesses or co... moreWhat are some other place names (NOT merely terrain features nor geographical definitions) anywhere worldwide and in any language that include preposition words?No businesses or companies, please.~
Amerigo VezpucciHitlerEdwardianVictorianElizabethanTrafalgar(Gabriele) FallopoParkinsonAlzheimerRubenesqueMirandaClaymoreColumbusBaltimoreKing Louis and Queen Ana (Louisiana)~
What are some other animal-related or insect-related adages, expressions, phrases, or sayings that are used to describe human attributes, human traits, human conditions, human mood... moreWhat are some other animal-related or insect-related adages, expressions, phrases, or sayings that are used to describe human attributes, human traits, human conditions, human moods, human looks, etc?~
Love at first _______.
Come up with a poignant, weird, philosophical, humorous, sarcastic, ironic, odd, spooky, goofy, witty or silly replacement word that rhymes with “sight”.~