NATO is the association of northern countries. They are associated and if any country attacks one of them, they back each others entirelly. And a lot of countries are part of ... moreNATO is the association of northern countries. They are associated and if any country attacks one of them, they back each others entirelly. And a lot of countries are part of NATO. united states, with major parts of europe. No country would want to be at war against NATO. not even Russia.
Do it annoys you knowing that some parts of canada are ruled by french-talking people or you dont mind ? maybe you respect them and its just a bonus for diversity in life ? Cu... moreDo it annoys you knowing that some parts of canada are ruled by french-talking people or you dont mind ? maybe you respect them and its just a bonus for diversity in life ? Cuz me im french from canada. Here most things are in french, but theres always bilingual over products tags and yes, clerks can receives you in english too.
When my driver works for the restaurant, I still do 15-20% depending on the speed and order accuracy because tips are usually split between the driver and staff. However, when you ... moreWhen my driver works for the restaurant, I still do 15-20% depending on the speed and order accuracy because tips are usually split between the driver and staff. However, when you order from a meal delivery service, the tip usually goes directly to the driver. In this case, it doesn't matter if you spend $10 or $20 or $100. His or her work is the same. It doesn't make sense to tip based on the order amount. Is there a certain amount that's fair?
I do... I dont have a regular driving license yet... so meanwhile, im heavily depending on public transports such as buses and metro to get where i need...I hope to get a car one d... moreI do... I dont have a regular driving license yet... so meanwhile, im heavily depending on public transports such as buses and metro to get where i need...I hope to get a car one day and my license to be able to drive.
Does he DEFECT TO RUSSIA?Would Putin want a loser? I doubt it.Does he start toxic talk to stir up hate and crime the likes of which America has never experienced? He is... moreDoes he DEFECT TO RUSSIA?Would Putin want a loser? I doubt it.Does he start toxic talk to stir up hate and crime the likes of which America has never experienced? He is good at doing the BAD stuff. Does he go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go? Does he stir up dissent in jail with the skin heads and break out?I mean the possibilit8es are so exciting and so endless.What do you think will happen to it, I mean him?Is Melania Trump gonna finally lose 250 pounds of unwanted fat? less