More than two weeks have passed since the stolen messages were released online, but Hillary Clinton's lead in the RealClearPolitics poll average - http://www.realclearpolitics... moreMore than two weeks have passed since the stolen messages were released online, but Hillary Clinton's lead in the RealClearPolitics poll average - - has widened slightly. WikiLeaks tried to take down a candidate with embarrassing private emails and failed. At this point, it's only getting play on Breitbart and Drudge, which are so full of impotent rage that normal people don't read them.
Since he refused to say whether he would accept the verdict of a democratic election, they're trying to equate what Gore did in the aftermath of the contested 2000 election with wh... moreSince he refused to say whether he would accept the verdict of a democratic election, they're trying to equate what Gore did in the aftermath of the contested 2000 election with what Trump is doing. But that's like analogizing a fire marshal investigating the cause of a blaze to an arsonist.But Trump's election-rigging actually are nothing new have a long history. Part of his rationale rests on accusations that the media are stacked against him. This has been a staple of Republican talking points since the days of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew. And his insistence that Democrats win elections through "voter fraud," mostly in large cities and minority neighborhoods, is the groundless rationalization they've used for years to justify laws aimed at disenfranchising those inclined to vote against them. In fact, voter suppression is a much bigger danger to our democracy than any vanishingly small amount of fraud. less
If Trump and Bernie says the system is rigged and many of their followers believe it then why not racist, sexist and phobic too as others have always said?
She thinks she's above the law and as long as you (And you know who you are) keep supporting her it seems she is above the law. Didn't it concern any of you democrats that she didn... moreShe thinks she's above the law and as long as you (And you know who you are) keep supporting her it seems she is above the law. Didn't it concern any of you democrats that she didn't hand over key evidence when she was ordered to do so? Do you know what she did would have landed you and me in prison for years, besides lying under oath, which in its self is a crime, she destroyed evidence (Anybody that believes that crap about her not deleting anything except personal stuff must have the IQ of all the other single cell organisms found under DC in the waste system), interfered with a FBI investigation and obstructed justice just to name a few. Using unsecured servers like she did, knowing national security could very well be compromised because she didn't want to be bothered with having to show up at the office. We've all heard about her lapse of judgement when some of her employees called her numerous times asking for a bit more security, that in its self shows what she's all about, she once again lied to the nat... less
Which do you think is worse. Someone who has been a staunch supporter of Trump but now realizes they made a mistake in doing so, but continues to support him because they don... moreWhich do you think is worse. Someone who has been a staunch supporter of Trump but now realizes they made a mistake in doing so, but continues to support him because they don't want to admit they were wrong or someone who supports him and sees absolutely nothing wrong with anything he has said or done. Is one just as bad as the other?
Hmm. Let's see, this blog mentions reasons why the author doesn't want to bet on it. What's your take?
What is Trump's agenda? Among other things, Trump has come out in favor of th... moreHmm. Let's see, this blog mentions reasons why the author doesn't want to bet on it. What's your take?
What is Trump's agenda? Among other things, Trump has come out in favor of the government censoring the internet, shuttering houses of worship, depriving religious minorities of due process and equal protection, forcibly confiscating private property, gutting libel laws in order to make it easier to silence journalists, ordering U.S. forces to commit torture and other war crimes, and imposing a nationwide "stop and frisk" scheme in order to "take the gun away." For those of you keeping score at home, that means that Trump—at a minimum—has endorsed government infringements on the principles contained in the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, the Eighth Amendment, the 10th Amendment, and the constitutional doctrine of limited and enumerated executive powers.
Now consider Trump's SCOTUS list. The most impressive names on that list are all judges who have distinguished themselve... less