I know we’re not supposed to say this out loud because it’s so outrageous to suggest that ISIS and American conservatives might have anything in common. And obviously the level of ... moreI know we’re not supposed to say this out loud because it’s so outrageous to suggest that ISIS and American conservatives might have anything in common. And obviously the level of outrageous and murderous violence perpetrated by ISIS has no parallel in the American political system–but that’s also because of the secular counterweight of civil society and constitutional democracy. Culturally, there are a lot of striking similarities between the conservative reactionary ethos in both the western and the Islamic worlds.
Hate evolution? check.
Hate sexually liberated and empowered women? Check.
Love guns and hate gays? Check.
Hate big liberal government? Check.
Believe that society should be organized according to religious principles and that secular people should have no right to curtail religious “freedom”? Check.
Want to empower down-home rural principles against those corrupt city bubble dwellers? Check.
Believe in eye-for-an-eye retributive justice? Check.
Love to sport big Duck Dynasty-style beards? Check.
I keep seeing Trump stickers on the back pick-up trucks. Driven by bearded white men with Monster t-shirts, and Mt Dew baseball caps. Or, maybe it's just me?
While it's true that the unemployment rate of black Americans is much higher than the national average, isn't treating them as if they were all shiftless and poor an insult?
http:... moreWhile it's true that the unemployment rate of black Americans is much higher than the national average, isn't treating them as if they were all shiftless and poor an insult?
Hypothesis: Everything Trump knows about business, he learned from Fred Flinstone pretending to be J.L. Gotrocks. And I think he thinks it will actually work as a presidential strategy.