Obama said Hillary lost because she didn't campaign in more places. If she had got out there and had more rallies and made more appearances in more places, do you think the results... moreObama said Hillary lost because she didn't campaign in more places. If she had got out there and had more rallies and made more appearances in more places, do you think the results would have been different? Did she lose because she didn't try hard enough?
Hello:I dunno... Isn't political correctness a thing that HIDES a truth??? Apparently, right wingers want us to WAIT to SEE if Trump was lying to us.. With anti-i... moreHello:I dunno... Isn't political correctness a thing that HIDES a truth??? Apparently, right wingers want us to WAIT to SEE if Trump was lying to us.. With anti-immigrant, build the wall, Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, WHY wouldn't we think that Trump is gonna deport 11 million people???? They elected him because he said he was gonna DO that. But, now we should wait to see if he was joshing... Well, I don't think he was joshing... You do??? I can't imagine WHY..excon less
I am always hearing people use liberalism, protecting equality and diversity and political correctness being used as an insult.. I truly don't get it.. Someone mentioned colleges a... moreI am always hearing people use liberalism, protecting equality and diversity and political correctness being used as an insult.. I truly don't get it.. Someone mentioned colleges and the education establishment as being rife with this terrible *disease*.. but in the same breath they accuse those who are liberal and or diversity as elitist.. I don't see how you can have it both ways.. My thinking is... protecting diversity and equality is actually it's a good thing! ANd it brings the opposite of elitism.. You bet we strongly encourage and support girls who want to study science and maths.. you bet we don't tolerate any racism... Why wouldnt we?? Why shopuld a girl be made to feel she cannot study physics because it's supposedly a boy's subject? Why should a black student be made to feel uncomfortable and victimised just because he happens to be black? IS he less deserving of education? Does his colour make him less intelligent? AND that old chestnut political correctness.. that gets a really bad rap doesnt ... less
Hello:If you don't know, Chris Christie put Kushner's father IN jail.. So, Chris Christie and 5 of his recommendations got "FIRED".This is gonna be fun.. Grab some popcorn..excon
Hello:Trump took Flynn to his first SECRET CIA briefing.. If Turkey came up, would Flynn tell the Turks??? Read about it HERE: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/... moreHello:Trump took Flynn to his first SECRET CIA briefing.. If Turkey came up, would Flynn tell the Turks??? Read about it HERE: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-trump-classified-intelligence-briefing-20160817-story.htmlhttp://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-turkey-lobbying-231354excon